Information about Recruitment of General Counsel

Currently waiting for a response from Australian Digital Health Agency, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear Australian Digital Health Agency,

I am seeking copies of all correspondence in relation to Ms Anne Anastasi being engaged as General Counsel for the ADHA.

I am also seeking copies of any correspondence in relation to her recent transfer to the agency from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

I confirm that I do not want duplicates of documents or names of ADHA staff below the SES level.

Yours faithfully,

John Smith

Dear Australian Digital Health Agency,

I am following up on my FOI request sent on 12 July. Please ignore the second email. This was sent in error.

When can I expect an acknowledgement of my request, noting that ADHA has an obligation acknowledge receipt of FOI requests promptly?

Yours faithfully,

John Smith