This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 470)
(page 11)
Good morning Mr Fairless,
Yes, the Minister’s devices were searched as part of your request.
Kind regards,
FOI Legal Team
FOI and L...
Can you advise when my request for your FOI Delegations/Authorisations will be processed?
Yours faithfully,
Ben Fairless
They Attorney-General responded on behalf of the Solicitior General
Can you please advise when this information will be released?
Yours sincerely,
Ben Fairless
This request was answered by the Department of Defence :)
DIO are not subject to the FOI Act
Dear Mr Fairless,
On 2 November 2016, you put in a FOI request for the following:
‘A copy of the current FOI Delegations, and any related d...
Dear Mr Fairless
My decision in relation to your recent FOI request is attached.
[1]ABC Judith Maude
Head Corporate Governan...
Dear Mr Fairless
As requested, please see attached a copy of the current FOI delegation of
the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. The Department i...
Good morning Ben,
Please find attached a copy of the current FOI delegations for
Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC). ...
Thank you for releasing the information outside of FOI. I'm happy to withdraw my FOI Request.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Fairless
Good afternoon Mr Fairless,
Please find attached the decision notice in relation to your FOI request
to the Safety, Rehabilitatio...
Dear Mr Fairless
As requested in your email below, please see attached a copy of the
current FOI delegations for the Attorney‑G...
Good morning Ben,
Further to the e-mails below, the Defence FOI delegations are available on the Defence internet at the following URL...
Dear Mr Fairless,
I can advise you that the decision maker for this request has agreed to provide you with the document attached outsid...
Australian Government
Productivity Commission
Melbourne Office
Level 12, 530 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Locked Bag 2 Collins Street E...
For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Fairless,
On 2 November, the Department received two emails from you, one addressed
to the Department and the ot...
Your message has expired without any moderator decision for the following
Info Healthdirect
Subject: [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Re: Freedom of...
Good afternoon Mr Fairless,
Thank you for your email and FOI request. Finance has agreed that the document you have sought can be releas...
Dear Mr Fairless,
Please find attached correspondence relating to your FOI request.
Alison Savary
Manager, Finance
Australian Reinsurance P...
Dear Mr Fairless
There are no delegations in place for the AHC.
FOI Contact Officer | Climate Change, Science and Corporate Legal Section |G...
Dear Mr Fairless
Please find attached the Department of the Environment and Energy's FOI delegations. The document is released to you outside the form...
Dear Mr Fairless
I refer to your recent FOI request seeking a copy of our current FOI
Delegations and any related directions issued in respect of FO...
Dear Mr Fairless
Please refer to the attached email of 7 November 2016 which explains that your request was finalised, as the Attorney-G...
Thanks for the information. OAIC setting the Gold Standard as always for the release of information timely, and with minimal fuss.
Yours sincerely...
This person's 338 annotations
(page 11)
Hi Anonymouse, was there any further updates on this request at all that we can't see?
I think (I'm not a lawyer) that the way it works is that when the 14 days is up, the original 30 day clock starts. If I'm right (which I'm not sure on)...
I've resent the August 12, 2014 Follow-Up to Owen as requested by Sam.
If anyone cares for it, the AEC Mail Server (
I find it really odd that they don't have this information in written form. They provided similar information to another user on RTK here - https://ww...
I find it really odd that they don't have this information in written form. They provided similar information to another user on RTK here - https://ww...
Hi David, to keep everything on the one request I moved the email from to here....
I find it incredulous there is no internal documents in relation to this request. Surely there has to be something?
Hi Daniel,
Just so you know, you don't need to accept a request for extension. You can refuse it if you prefer.
I've cleaned up the Spam here and stopped any further replies from coming to this request.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Ri...
Hi James, you might want to consider creating a campaign on Pozible or crowd sourcing the funds from friends or others who are interested in the docume...
Odd, I only paid $9.90 for my request and it also contained 2 pages!
You are free to make another request if you want Robin, I think I'm going to leave this one be to be honest.
I've spoken with the FOI Officer and asked if I can discuss the matter informally with the Decision Maker prior to proceeding to Internal Review.
I have made an application to the Information Commissioner.
Complaint lodged with DIBP Feedback Unit (Ref: IMMI-14-12891) about the lack of contact regarding this request as I couldn't call to speak to Linda abo...
Looks like I marked it as "not held" and I don't know why. Should show "Partially Successful" and i'll update now :)
I've had a chat with Nicole by phone and indicated I would prefer the request is paused instead of withdrawn, as I don't want the clock to restart.
I would point out that just because an agency is exempt under FOI, doesn't mean they can't answer the questions voluntarily....
I wouldn't expect the email server and the proxy server to be the same..... I present a different IP address when browsing as the mail server at work....
Thanks Peter and Alex, I've used that information to respond to Steven. Hopefully the answer will be a bit more restricted!
There are several reasons why this information could be useful.
For example, website owners (such as Right to Know) could be interested in re...
It has taken the department 6 pages to ask you to clarify which Border Force you are referring to.
There is already one setup for Customs ("Border Fo...
I would really appreciate some help from the RTK community on this. I find it odd that there is only 1 IP address for the entire department... Is that...
I'm terribly sorry to the person who marked this for Administrator Attention, but the alert detailing why you flagged it as such hasn't been received....
The Department has the ability to upload the files directly to Right to Know if email isn't an option. You can ask them to contact us (contact@righttok...