Program Summary Report (Most recent available)
Dear NBN Co Limited,
I wish to obtain a copy of the most recent Program Summary Report at the time of consideration of this FOI request. The Program Summary Report was referenced by Mr Morrow and Mr Simon during the National Broadband Network Select Committee on the 11th July, 2014, in providing answers on public record to the Senate Committee.
This document is prepared internally in NBNCo on a weekly basis and outlines the data FSAM's are switched on, number of premises connected, take-up rate in every active FSAM in Australia, contract instructions issues, number of builds, bulk drops completed etc.
Yours faithfully,
David Cooper
For your reference.
Best regards, DJM
David J Mesman
GM Legal – FOI & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 8596 | E [1][email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
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Dear Ms Deerness,
Thank you for your response on the 18th August, 2014 to my FOI request (FOI1415/07.06). This request indicated that I am seeking access to the below
“A copy of the most recent Program Summary Report at the time of consideration of this FOI request. The Program Summary Report was referenced by Mr Morrow and Mr Simon during the National Broadband Network Select Committee on the 11th July, 2014, in providing answers on public record to the Senate Committee. This document is prepared internally in NBNCo on a weekly basis and outlines the data FSAM's are switched on, number of premises connected, take-up rate in every active FSAM in Australia, contract instructions issues, number of builds, bulk drops completed, etc. “
I would like to contend the assessment on the FOI charges, in particular the indicated 24 hours Decision Making Time on potential commercial issues. This would suggest a requirement of 4 business days to review the document, taking standard working hours and breaks into consideration, for a single weekly report which is prepared every 5 business days.
It has been indicated that the Program Summary Report is a weekly report that is distributed internally within NBNCo, and provided to the Minister of Communications. It has also been referenced by members of the NBNCo Executive Leadership team on several occasions that they are very familiar with the report and its contents. This includes Mr Switkoski (Chairman and previously Acting CEO), Mr Morrow (CEO) and Mr Adcock (COO). It has also been indicated that their reports in NBNCo are also familiar including Mr Brown (Head of Corporate and Commercial), Mr McLaren (CTO) and Mr Payne (CFO). For your reference, I have provided the supporting information to this effect at the end of this contention.
As the report is reviewed each week by the NBNCO Executive & Management Team, assumedly prepared by their respective organization reporting to the executive team, gives the indication that NBNCo already have knowledge of any commercial issues contained within this report. Given this well documented understanding of the report within NBNCo, and the regular reviews each week, it would strongly suggest to myself that the decision making time for reviewing any commercial issues should be significantly briefer than the estimated 24 hours.
As such I request that the Decision Making Time be reassessed and reduced to take into consideration the already existing considerable knowledge within NBNCo of the documents contents.
Yours Sincerely
David Cooper
References to NBNCo's familiarity with Weekly Program Summary Report
- 25th February, 2014, Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Mr Switkoski, then acting CEO, indicated he received it every week and was familiar with the Program Summary Report
Senator CONROY: Are you familiar with the program summary reports that were provided to the previous government?
Dr Switkowski : No.
Senator CONROY: That would be that document.
Dr Switkowski : Well, that has continued.
Senator CONROY: I was hoping you would say that. Do you know what information was provided in those? Are you familiar with it?
Dr Switkowski : I am familiar with that particular report if from this distance it is the one I think it is.
Senator CONROY: Yes. It is entitled 'Program summary report'. It covers the date an FSAM was switched on, the number of premises connected, the take-up rate in every active FSAM in Australia, the contract instructions issued, the number of builds, bulk drops completed et cetera. Sound familiar?
Dr Switkowski : That has certainly been part of the internal management reporting because I observed that on the first day I arrived.
Senator CONROY: I am hoping you get it each week and read it.
Dr Switkowski : We get that report every week and review it, yes.
Senator CONROY: You are using the royal 'we'? I want to make sure you are part of the royal we?
Dr Switkowski : I am chief executive, so yes.
Senator CONROY: So these reports are still prepared internally with the same information? They will be expanding, because the number of—
Dr Switkowski : Yes. For all intents and purposes, yes.
- 25th February, 2014, Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, Mr Switkoski, then acting CEO, reiterated his familiarity with the report
Senator CONROY: Still referring to question 207, are you aware that the program summary reports contain the numbers of premises for which NDDs had been released; the number for which construction has commenced; and the number for which build instructions have been issued?
Dr Switkowski : I think that is right.
- 5th May, 2014, National Broadband Network Select Committee, Mr Morrow indicated his familiarity with the Program Summary Report. Mr Adcock, Mr Brown, Mr McLaren and Mr Payne had also been indicated as being familiar with the report
Senator CONROY: Yes. I think Mr Brown described it in a far more technical sense than I did. According to NBN Co's program summary report for the week ending 2 September 2013, as at the end of August 2013 in brownfield areas—I think it is up behind us—204,998 premises were passed with fibre. Mr Morrow, it is a document that I am sure you are familiar with by now; you get it each week.
Mr Morrow: I am becoming familiar with all of the reports that are produced, Senator.
Senator CONROY: It is probably a key performance indicator, so I am surprised that you are looking a little vaguely at it. Mr Switkowski indicated he had received it every week. Mr Adcock is certainly looking and nodding, and I know Mr Brown, Mr McLaren and Mr Payne have probably seen it as well regularly
- 11th July 2014, National Broadband Network Select Committee, Mr Morrow and Mr Simon referenced the Program Summary Report in providing information to the committee
ACTING CHAIR: Refer to the program summary report—which I think you brought along at our request—which the NBN Co produces weekly. Is that at hand?
Mr Morrow: Yes.
ACTING CHAIR: The community specifically asked you to bring it, so thank you for doing that. I want to go through some fairly detailed questions on that in the few minutes we have left, and I promise we will finish spot on four. How many premises are passed with fibre in 2ARM-01? That is Armidale, for the record.
Mr Simon: Two thousand, two hundred and sixty-two.
Dear Mr Cooper
I acknowledge receipt of your request to review the processing charges.
I will review your contentions and respond in due course.
Kind regards
Yvette Deerness
Acting GM Legal Counsel – FOI, Privacy & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 5670 | M +61 408 547 325 | E [email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Dear Mr Cooper
I attach an advance deposit request in relation to your FOI matter.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me, should you have any queries.
Kind regards
Yvette Deerness
Senior Legal Counsel – Corporate & IT
P +61 2 8918 5670 | M +61 408 547 325 | E [1][email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
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Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
Hi David, to keep everything on the one request I moved the email from to here.
Dear Mr Cooper
Please find a charges decision attached. Also attached is FOI Factsheet 12
– your review rights.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me, should you wish to discuss.
Kind regards
Yvette Deerness
Acting GM Legal Counsel – FOI, Privacy & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 5670 | M +61 408 547 325 | E [1][email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
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1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Ms Deerness,
Thank you for your response today on the 18th August in consideration of the estimated decision time (FOI1415/07.06).
In order to minimize the amount of effort required on NBNCo's behalf, I would like to reduce the scope of this request.
Can you please consider the scope of this FOI seeking the "Table of Contents/Index of the Weekly Program Summary Report".
Yours sincerely,
David Cooper
Dear Mr Cooper
Yes, I confirm I will reconsider the scope of your request along the lines set out below.
I will come back to you when I have assessed the re-scope along with any consequential impact on the resource required to issue a final decision on your substantive FOI request.
Kind regards
Yvette Deerness
Acting GM Legal Counsel – FOI, Privacy & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 5670 | M +61 408 547 325 | E [email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Dear Mr Cooper
Further to my email below.
Can I confirm that my understanding is correct and that you wish to reduce the scope of your request to a document containing the following:
"Table of Contents/Index of the Weekly Program Summary Report for the week commencing 21 July 2014, being the week NBN Co received this FOI request"
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Yvette Deerness
Acting GM Legal Counsel – FOI, Privacy & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 5670 | M +61 408 547 325 | E [email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Dear Yvette Deerness,
Yes, I can confirm that scope for the request.
Yours sincerely,
David Cooper
Dear Mr Cooper
I attach a revised advance deposit request in relation to your FOI matter and in particular, your re-scoped request.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me, should you have any queries.
Kind regards
Yvette Deerness
Acting GM Legal Counsel – FOI, Privacy & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 5670 | M +61 408 547 325 | E [email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
David Cooper left an annotation ()
Update: NBNCo responded to this status on a separate request. I append the information to this request for tracking
06A. Advance Deposit Request 180814.pdf -
NOTE: The following is copied from a separate request, and is not my generated text.
Dear Mr Cooper
I attach an advance deposit request in relation to your FOI matter.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me, should you have any queries.
Kind regards
Yvette Deerness
Senior Legal Counsel – Corporate & IT
P +61 2 8918 5670 | M +61 408 547 325 | E [1][email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
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