Request for Expected Build date for 5EZB
Dear NBN Co Limited,
I wish to obtain information regarding to the Build Commencement date for 5EZB Elizabeth.
This FSAM initially had a rollout commencing in: "May 2013 in phases with last construction scheduled to commence in Jun 2014. It is estimated that the average time from construction beginning to NBN services being available is 12 months"
This FSAM has now been removed from the rollout map, even though it was due to commence before the federal election.
Can you please advise the expected Build Commencement data for this FSAM.
Yours faithfully,
Russell Hancock
Mr Hancock,
I’m writing in relation to your recent FOI request concerning “5EZB
Elizabeth”. The specific terms are outlined below. As per [1]section
15(2)(b) of the FOI Act, applicants are required to provide sufficient
detail so as to enable an FOI officer to locate relevant documents for
potential disclosure. In that regard, I am uncertain as to what precisely
you are seeking in relation to “build commencement data”. I presume that
you are seeking access to a document, providing the build commencement
date for the above FSAM. However, I would ask that you please reply and
confirm. Please also note that the legislative time frames for completing
this FOI request will not commence until such time as those details are
clarified. For reference, NBN Co publishes the most up-to-date and
relevant rollout information on its website, found at
FOI Request Terms: Information regarding to the Build Commencement date
for 5EZB Elizabeth. This FSAM initially had a rollout commencing in: "May
2013 in phases with last construction scheduled to commence in Jun 2014.
It is estimated that the average time from construction beginning to NBN
services being available is 12 months". This FSAM has now been removed
from the rollout map, even though it was due to commence before the
federal election. Can you please advise the expected Build Commencement
data for this FSAM.
Best regards, DJM
David J Mesman
GM Legal – FOI & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 8596 | E [3][email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
[4]NBN Co Logo.jpg
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Dear David Mesman,
My apologies. I am seeking access to a document which will outline the build commencement date for FSAM 5EZB.
Yours sincerely,
Russell Hancock
For your reference.
Best regards, DJM
David J Mesman
GM Legal – FOI & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 8596 | E [1][email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
[2]NBN Co Logo.jpg
[3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG] [6][IMG]
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Dear Mr Hancock
Please find attached NBN Co’s FOI decision, in relation to your request for information relating to the build dates for 5EZB.
If you have any questions in relation to this FOI matter, please do not hesitate to contact me on the numbers below.
Kind regards
Yvette Deerness
Acting GM Legal Counsel – FOI, Privacy & Knowledge Management
P +61 2 8918 5670 | M +61 408 547 325 | E [email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Level 40, 360 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
I find it really odd that they don't have this information in written form. They provided similar information to another user on RTK here - only in March this year.
You could request an internal review of the decision, mentioning that they have released similar information earlier in the year?
Daniel O'Connor left an annotation ()
You might get a knock back for this one; given it is 'publically available' - and the absence implies it is no longer being targeted. You might be better off asking for documentation on why it was removed - project status reports, recommendation documents; risk register entries that relate to your area.