Hello Mr Norwood
I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) in your email of 6 May...
Please see attached:
o Binder1_Part2
Warm regards,
Legal Officer
Defence, Investigations, ACT & Legal Branch...
Dear Mr Pentland
Please find attached my decision in relation to your FOI request, ref
007-2024, together with the documents released pursuant t...
Dear Mr Pentland
I refer to your FOI request dated 28 March 2024.
Please find attached a notice of decision, schedule and bundle of
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire
Please find attached a letter setting out my decision regarding access to
documents that you requested under the Freedom o...
Dear Glenn,
Thank you for your patience during this process.
Please find attached our decision letter, plus two documents specified
Good afternoon,
I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).
Dear Mr Pentland
Please see attached a decision letter in relation to your FOI request and
accompanying documents.
Kind regards,
Hashini Pandith...
Dear Alex,
I attach the decision letter for your FOI request you lodged with the Tax
Practitioners Board. I attach the FOI reques...
Dear Alex
Please find attached:
o Attachment 1 - an email thread containing your FOI request for “access
to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/...
Ref: FOI30/113
Dear Alex Pentland,
1. We refer to your access request under the FOI Act (attached email).
2. Please find attached t...
Good afternoon,
I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).
Dear Mr Pentland,
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kind regards
Robyn Briese (she/her)
General Couns...
Dear Alex Pentland,
I refer to your email seeking access under the Freedom of Information Act
(FOI Act) to style guides us...
Dear Alex,
Please find attached letter of even date and relevant documents for this
FOI request.
Any queries or issues and please don’t hes...
Good afternoon Alex,
Please find attached the decision letter relating to your FOI request CB
22-008 received on 05 April 2022....
Dear Alex
Please see attached my access decision in relation to your request.
I’d be happy to discuss the decision with you and please feel...
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
FOI Contact Officer
Dear Alex Pentland
Request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
I refer to your Freedom of Information Act 1982...
This is a Freedom of Information Request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
I request access to the Style Guides/Brand Guide...
This is a Freedom of Information Request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982z
I seek access to the style guides and branding g...
Dear Wine Australia
This is a Freedom of Information Request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
I request access to the Styl...
Dear Alex
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 30
November 2023.
Should you have any quer...
Dear Bob Buckley
Thank you for your request for information.
Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to Request
1. If you r...
Good afternoon
Please see attached decision and documents relating to your request for
access under the Freedom of Information Ac...