Requests similar to 'JCTEC' (page 3)
Dear Ryan,
Thank you for your email of 3 April 2023 requesting access to documents
held by the Department of Infrastructure, Tran...
Dear John,
Thank you for your email of 13 April 2023 requesting access to documents
held by the Department of Infrastructure, Tra...
Dear Ryan
Thank you for your email of 24 March 2023 requesting access to documents
held by the Department of Infrastructure, Tran...
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire
Please see attached Notice of Decision relating to your FOI 216, along
with the documents.
If you hav...
Good Afternoon Blue Mangoes,
Thank you for your correspondence of 2 November 2022 requesting access to documents held by the Department of I...
Dear Glenn
Please find attached a letter outlining ACIAR's decision regarding your FOI request, as well as relevant documents relating to thi...
Dear BE,
FOI LEX 45273 – Decision and Documents
Please find attached the decision in response to your Freedom of
Information request submi...
Dear Mr Hirsch
FOI request FA 19/04/01141
I refer to your FOI request received on 15 April 2019, seeking access to
the foll...
Dear P.C. Sweeney
Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Climate Change,
Energy, the Environment and Water i...
Dear Mr Austin
On 18 February 2023, you requested access to documents held by the
Classification Board (the Board) in...
Good afternoon Alex,
As I am sure you are aware, the classification of the computer game 'RimWorld' has now changed; please see the followin...
Good afternoon Benjamin,
I refer to your FOI request (below) seeking access to documents in the possession of the Department of Infrastruct...
Dear Mr Terhorst
Airservices is processing your FOI request (F24-78) that is currently due
5 December 2024. Please see the following...
Dear Mr Austin,
I am just following up on the below email seeking confirmation from you
whether you wish to proceed with the new...
Good afternoon,
I refer to your FOI request below regarding documentation concerning the classification of Battlefield 2042. Our Department...
Dear Derek,
I refer to your correspondence of 17 June 2022 seeking access under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to documents...
Dear Alex,
Thank you for your email of 28 August 2023 requesting access to documents
held by the Classification Board (the Board)...
Dear Alex,
Thank you for your email of 28 August 2023 requesting access to documents
held by the Classification Review Board (the...
Dear Mr Austin
Thank you for your email of 10 February 2023 requesting access to
documents held by the Classification Board (the...
Dear Mr Austin,
Thank you for your email of 07 October 2023 requesting access to documents
held by the Classification Board (the...
Dear Mr Austin,
Thank you for your email of 07 October 2023 requesting access to documents
held by the Classification Board (the...
Dear Mr Austin,
Thank you for your email of 07 October 2023 requesting access to documents
held by the Classification Board (the...
Good afternoon John Smith
Two documents have been found to be relevant to the scope of your FOI
request and we would like to give...
Good afternoon,
I refer to your FOI request received on 08 June 2022 for access to the
following documents:
Requesting clas...
Dear Applicant
Thank you for your email of 15 September 2024 requesting access to
documents held by the Department of Infrastruct...