Requests similar to 'JCTEC'

OFFICIAL Dear Requester Thank you for your query. The link you attached (in your second email) opens paragraphs 4.46 to 4.48 of the guidance provided...
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Wallace, Further to the email below sent to you on 11 August 2020, the department is still unable to progress your request in its cu...
OFFICIAL Dear Thomas I refer to your request below. This matter has now been finalised. Please see attached the signed decision letter and document r...
Documents relating to Classification of Film
Response by Classification Board to Bre on .


OFFICIAL   Dear Bre Notification of third party consultation – FOI 21-036 - Documents relating to a Film Classification – The Trouble with being...
OFFICIAL   Dear Andorra,   Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your...
OFFICIAL Dear Pam R   FOI request FA 25/01/00926   I refer to your FOI request received on 18 January 2025, seeking access to the following:...
Briefing Notes - Senate Estimates
Response by Department of Defence to James Smith on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear James Smith,   During the processing of your request, it has been identified that Defence can administratively release the followi...
OFFICIAL   Good afternoon Michelle O’Brien   I refer to your request for information made on 10 March 2023.   Section 15AA of the FOI Act e...
Dear James Adams   Thank you for your request. Please see attached documents.   Regards   Fernando Espinosa FOI P: 1800 035 544 E: [1]...
OFFICIAL   Good afternoon Dr. Terhorst,   I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI...
Dear Brian Cooper   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your reques...
OFFICIAL   Good afternoon   I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).   P...
OFFICIAL Dear ViMak   FOI request FA 23/08/01597   I refer to your FOI request received on 23 August 2023, seeking access to the following:...
Incoming Government Briefs
Response by Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment to JH on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear JH   Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.   Kind regards,   FOI Contact Of...
Dear Bob Buckley Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to Request 1.  If you r...
OFFICIAL   Dear Alex,   Thank you for your email of 05 July 2023 requesting access to documents held by the Department of Infrastructure, Tran...
OFFICIAL   Dear Lucas   I refer to your FOI request outlined below, seeking access to any internal reports, and/or internal reports and briefs cre...
Space Grants

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr Smith   We refer to your correspondence received by The Department of Industry, Science and Resources (the department) on 4 February 2024,...
Annual Reports 2000/01 to 2009/10
Response by Australian Federal Police to Asher Hirsch on .


UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Asher   Attached are the 09 and 10 reports.   Kind regards   MATT BAILLIE TEAM LEADER - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION CH...
List of Accredited Sponsors
Response by Department of Home Affairs to Ravi on .

Partially successful.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Ravi   FOI Request FA 20/06/00144   I refer to your FOI request received on 1 June 2020 seeking access to the following:...
OFFICIAL Good morning On 20 March 2023, you requested access to documents held by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development,...
OFFICIAL   Good afternoon Alex,   Thank you for your FOI request received on 23 April 2022 requesting access to documents in the possession of...
OFFICIAL Good morning Mr Austin On 16 March 2023, you requested access to the following documents held by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport...
Faces of Death 1–4
Response by Classification Board to Alex Sullivan on .


OFFICIAL Good afternoon On 1 April 2023, you requested access to documents held by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development...
OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Austin,   Thank you for your email of 4 July 2023 requesting access to documents held by the Classification Board (the Boar...