Dear Joseph
Thank you for contacting Penrith City Council re: Informal GIPA form
received - P-712106-S9X9.
The case listed above has been rais...
Dear Christine,
Thank you for your patience while we completed your request Government
Information Public Access (GIPA) Enquiry - P-331776-J5G3....
Dear John
Thank you for contacting Penrith City Council re: Government Information
Public Access (GIPA) Enquiry - P-431789-D3H4
Dear Jerald Vincent,
Thank you for submitting your request Citizenship Ceremony Enquiry -
P-783755-S8J5 with Penrith City Council, which has now been...
Dear Partha,
Thank you for submitting your request Citizenship Ceremony Enquiry -
P-835218-N8P9 with Penrith City Council, which has now been marked...
Good Morning,
I refer to your Open Access application under the Government Information
(Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), requesting access to informa...
Morning Mr. Hancock
I refer to your open access application under the Government Information
(Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), requesting access to i...
Dear Anna Samson
Thank you for your email requesting information for the above property.
Please find attached Open Access Request form to be filled...
Thank you for contacting Penrith City Council. Your email will be assigned
to the appropriate Council officer for action.
Please note this Inbox is n...
I refer to your open access application under the Government Information
(Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), requesting access to information r...
Thank you for contacting Penrith City Council. Your email will be
assigned to the appropriate Council officer for action.
This is an automatically...
Thank you for contacting Penrith City Council. Your email will be
assigned to the appropriate Council officer for action.
This is an automatically...
Dear ViMak
FOI request FA 23/08/01597
I refer to your FOI request received on 23 August 2023, seeking access to
the following:...
Dear James Adams
Thank you for your request. Please see attached documents.
Fernando Espinosa
P: 1800 035 544
E: [1]...
Thank you for contacting Penrith City Council. Your email will be
assigned to the appropriate Council officer for action.
This is an automatica...
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire
Please find attached a letter setting out my decision regarding access to
documents that you requested under the Freedom o...
Hi Nigel,
I refer to the above matter and to your request below and advise I have
been working to collate the information you have sought.
Hi Drew,
Thank you for your email.
In order to access information in relation to specific properties council requires the Access to information form t...
Hi Daniel
Please find the following documents attached:
· FOI Decision 1213/27;
· Zip folder containing do...
This is an access application pursuant to Government Information (Public Access) Act ("GIPA") made using special public benefit platfo...
Hi Glen
Thank you for your request for copies of the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the National Library of Australia....
Dear Eleanor Ryan
Please find attached correspondence from the department of Agriculture,
Water and the Environment.
Hi Raymond
In response to your request, below is a link. It is Council’s DA tracker
as Council cannot provide such a list you are requesting.
Re: Liverpool City Council - interim report for public inquiry
This is an access application pursuant to Government Information (Pub...
Dear Jon Smith,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 4
February 2024.
Should you have any que...