Historical Pool DA 000524 Record for 2000
Dear Penrith City Council,
Good morning,
I would like information about DA No 000524 which was approved around April in 2000 for a pool at 33 Charles Sturt Drive, Werrington County.
Yours faithfully,
Vicki Hadley
Thank you for contacting Penrith City Council. Your email will be
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Kind Regards
Penrith City Council
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I refer to your open access application under the Government Information
(Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA), requesting access to information relating
to 33 Charles Sturt Drive WERRINGTON COUNTY.
On 23 October 2019, I determined to provide access to the requested
information under Section 6 of the GIPA Act (Open Access). Copies of
information, which I have determined to release, are attached.
I can be contacted on 47 328220 or email [email address] should
you require further information on this matter.
Yours faithfully
Karin Fuller
Administration Officer
E [1][email address]
T [2]+612 4732 8220 | F +612 4732 7958 | M
PO Box 60, PENRITH NSW 2751
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