Web addresses visited on ANZAC Day

Jackson Gothe-Snape made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Veterans' Affairs

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs,

Can you please provide a list of the web addresses accessed by computers in the Department of Veterans' Affairs on Saturday, 25 April, 2015.

Please provide it in a machine readable format such as xls or csv.

Yours faithfully,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

FOI, Department of Veterans' Affairs

Dear Mr Gothe-Snape


Freedom of Information Request: FOI 4691


I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act). Your request is in the following


Can you please provide a list of the web addresses accessed by computers
in the Department of Veterans' Affairs on Saturday, 25 April, 2015.


Please provide it in a machine readable format such as xls or csv.


We received your request on 23 July 2015 and the 30 day statutory period
for processing your request commenced from the day after that date. You
should therefore expect a decision by 24 August 2015. The period of 30
days may be extended if we need to consult third parties, impose a charge
or for other reasons. We will advise you if this happens.


You will be notified of any charges in relation to your request as soon as
possible, before we process any requested documents or impose a final


We will contact you using the email address you have provided. Please
advise if you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact.


If you have any questions, please contact me using the following details:


Post: GPO Box 9998 CANBERRA   ACT   2601

Facsimile: (02) 6289 6316

Email: [1][DVA request email]


Yours sincerely


Nadia Vittoria

Information Access Officer

Information Law

Legal Services, Assurance & Deregulation


7 August 2015


show quoted sections

FOI, Department of Veterans' Affairs

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Gothe-Snape,


Freedom of Information Request: FOI 4691


I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) received 23 July 2015. Your request
sought access to:


A list of the web addresses accessed by computers in the Department of
Veterans' Affairs on Saturday, 25 April, 2015.


Please provide it in a machine readable format such as xls or csv.


Please find enclosed with this letter:


1.         Statement of Reasons, including your rights of review; and


2.         The document released to you, as set out in the Statement of


If you have any questions, please contact me using the following details:


Post: GPO Box 9998 CANBERRA   ACT   2601

Facsimile: (02) 6289 6316

Email: [1][DVA request email]



Yours sincerely



Rachel Bourke

Information Access Officer

Information Law

Legal Services, Assurance & Deregulation


24 August 2015


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