ACT Electoral Commission

An ACT authority

The ACT Electoral Commission is an independent Statutory Authority with the responsibility for the conduct of Elections and Referendums for the ACT Legislative Assembly and for the provision of electoral advice to a wide range of clients.

10 requests
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2016, I apply for access to documents held by the Commission in relation to the 2024 electronic vo...
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2016, I apply for access to documents held by the Commission relating to the requirements, design,...
QR Code Audits for the 2020 Election
Response by ACT Electoral Commission to T Wilson-Brown on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear T Wilson-Brown   Please find attached, in relation to your access application, your Access application decision notice and the acc...
OFFICIAL Good morning Tim, Thank you for your question. No, Elections ACT does not maintain statistics on the number of physical ballot papers retrie...
Vote Secrecy in 2020 Election
Request to ACT Electoral Commission by T Wilson-Brown. Annotated by T Wilson-Brown on .

Partially successful.

I suspect that the answer to my question will be similar to this one - they've listed all the documents they hold.
The ACT Electoral Commission (Elections ACT) published a somewhat-redacted version of the Commissioner's letter to me. To access it, go to their FoI...
OFFICIAL Dear T Thank you for your email and apologies for the delay in a response, I have been on leave since I addressed your original access appli...
OFFICIAL Dear Ms Teague, Thank you for your email. The audit certificate in relation to the eVACS counting module was not included within the docume...
Audit documents for the 2020 EVACS system
Response by ACT Electoral Commission to Vanessa Teague on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Ms Teague, Please find attached, in relation to your access application, your Access application decision notice and the accompanying R...
This response from Elections ACT to a vote secrecy FOI contains some information about the overseas electronic voting system: https://www.righttoknow....

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?