Urology Unit Report by Judith North 2017
Dear Monash Health,
I would like to access the Urology Unit report written by Judith North in 2017.
Yours faithfully,
Philip McCahy
Dear Monash Health,
My request for the Urology Unit Report by Judith North from 2017 has not been addressed. By law I should have received a response promptly and by June 05 2023 at the latest. I look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Philip McCahy
Dear Monash Health,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Monash Health's handling of my FOI request 'Urology Unit Report by Judith North 2017'.
Your response to this initial request is now long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, I should have received a response.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/u...
Yours faithfully,
Philip McCahy
Hi Phillip
As your request was only looking for one document, the request was
forwarded to our Release of Information Unit which is a quicker service.
Unfortunately I am unable to see any correspondence sent from other
I have investigated further and am unable to see an notes regarding
Urology within your medical record, is it possible you may have been seen
I am also unable to find a Dr Judith North in our directory.
I apologize if you have not received any correspondence from either
department, If you are able to give me any further details I will
investigate further for you, please note we are only able to provide
information from Monash Health services.
Carrie Harris
Freedom of Information
Team Leader
Monash Health
246 Clayton Road Clayton.
Phone 9594 2123
[1][email address]
Please Note: As of the 1st July the Freedom of Information application fee
will rise to $32.70
From: Philip McCahy [mailto:[FOI #10181 email]]
Sent: Monday, 6 January 2025 10:25 AM
To: FOI <[email address]>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Internal review of Freedom of Information request -
Urology Unit Report by Judith North 2017
### Email from an external sender. Be aware that this could be a phishing
attempt ###
Dear Monash Health,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information
I am writing to request an internal review of Monash Health's handling of
my FOI request 'Urology Unit Report by Judith North 2017'.
Your response to this initial request is now long overdue. By law, under
all circumstances, I should have received a response.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on
the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Philip McCahy
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[4][FOI #10181 email]
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Visible links
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3. https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/u...
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5. https://www.righttoknow.org.au/help/offi...
Dear FOI,
Thanks for your reply. The requested report was written by Judith North (who is a lawyer, not a doctor) as a (presumably paid) independent report on the Urology Unit at Monash Health. It has nothing to do with any patients. Executive had copies of the report in 2017 (as I saw the cover at a meeting).
Yours sincerely,
Philip McCahy MB BS, FRCS (Urology). FRACS