Total cost of Unique Student Identifier website to date and forecast cost until completion

Richard Smith made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Education

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The request was successful.

Richard Smith

Dear Department of Education & Training,

I request the following information:

a) Total expenditure & cost of designing and implementing the Unique Student Identifier website & associated infrastructure to date;

b) The total forecast cost until the website is fully functional to the point where all people with a USI can look up their course and training history and receive a printed transcript; and

c) The latest documented programme showing an estimated date for implementation & completion of the website to the point where all people with a USI can look up their course and training history and receive a printed transcript.

If possible, please treat this as an administrative/informal request. Otherwise please proceed with my request as a formal information request under the FOI Act 1982.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Smith

Education - FOI, Department of Education

Dear Mr Smith.

We would like to acknowledge your request for information below and advise that, in accordance with your wishes, it will be handled informally outside the FOI Act.

You will be provided with a response as soon as possible.


Corporate Legal Team | Child Care, Schools and Corporate Legal Australian Government Department of Education and Training
Phone: (02) 6121 5161 | Level 10, 50 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra

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-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Smith [mailto:[FOI #3251 email]]
Sent: Thursday, 16 March 2017 12:52 PM
To: Education - FOI
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Total cost of Unique Student Identifier website to date and forecast cost until completion

Dear Department of Education & Training,

I request the following information:

a) Total expenditure & cost of designing and implementing the Unique Student Identifier website & associated infrastructure to date;

b) The total forecast cost until the website is fully functional to the point where all people with a USI can look up their course and training history and receive a printed transcript; and

c) The latest documented programme showing an estimated date for implementation & completion of the website to the point where all people with a USI can look up their course and training history and receive a printed transcript.

If possible, please treat this as an administrative/informal request. Otherwise please proceed with my request as a formal information request under the FOI Act 1982.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Smith


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Richard Smith

Dear Corporate Legal Team,

Thank you for your letter of 20 March 2017 acknowledging my request for Government Information.

I will await your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Smith

SMITH,Kathryn, Department of Education

Dear Mr Smith


I refer to your request for information about the Unique Student
Identifiers initiative.


Total expenditure on the initiative since 2012/13 until the present time
is detailed below. The expenditure includes costs for consultation,
development of legislation, ICT development and maintenance, and support
for access holders and training providers:


2012/13                $7,761,000

2013/14                $3,623,000

2014/15                $5,872,000

2015/16                $8,446,000

2016/17*             $2,816,278


* To February 2017.


With regard to your request for the forecast cost of the website until the
USI Transcript Service is available. Activation of the USI Transcript
Service is expected to occur in mid-2017. The USI budget for 2016 - 2017
is $5,695,000.


The USI Transcript Service will provide students with access to records
contained in the VET National Collection held by the National Centre for
Vocational Education Research (NCVER). As records reported prior to 2015
are not linked with a student's USI, these will not appear on the USI
Transcript. It is important to note that some training providers report to
NCVER on an annual basis and other report quarterly. This means that some
transcripts will not be as up to date as others. As the proportion of
records per student grows, the USI Transcript may provide a valuable
supplement to the individual records issued by training providers.


If you would like to receive updates about the status of the USI
Transcript Service, you can subscribe by clicking [1]here.


Kind regards



Kathryn Smith

Assistant Director

USI Engagement, Policy and Integrity

USI Registrar

Ph: 61-2-6240 9860

Email:  [2][email address]


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Richard Smith

Dear Ms Kathryn Smith,

Thank you for your reply of 11 April 2017 and for providing the information I had requested on an informal administrative basis.

I have considered your response, and believe you have comprehensively answered my request for Government Information. I therefore consider this request for FOI closed.

I appreciate the prompt & open nature of the Department's processing of my inquiry.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Smith