Proof of Occupancy process
Dear NBN Co Limited,
I'm writing to enquire about the proof of occupancy process that NBN Co follows currently and the documents that relate to the handling of these processes.
I'd currently like to request any reports on NBN connections to a site that have been disconnected and reconnected due to error to date during the rollout.
As well as any documents that outline the current process for NBN Co to connect to a site that has a current existing NBN connection and that connection would need to be disconnected or removed for the site to be connected to the new connection and what you would expect from the service providers to adhere to the guidelines so that people are not mistakenly disconnected due to error.
Yours faithfully,
Jay Dubeu
Dear Jay
Please see attached.
Best regards
Rohan Singh
Senior Legal Counsel – FOI, Privacy & Knowledge Management
T +61 2 9031 3022 M +61 447 310 591 | E [1][email address]
Level 11, 100 Arthur Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
[2][IMG] [3][IMG] [4][IMG] [5][IMG] [6][IMG]
nbn acknowledges and pays respect to the traditional custodians of all the
lands upon which we work.
Dear Rohan Singh,
I apologise for the lack of clarification on this initial email.
My query directly relates to when a new occupant applies for a connection of a connection service and the existing service has not been cancelled. Wherein 'site' relates to the address where a new occupant applies for the connection.
I would like to request the information (specifically process document or training documents for this process, not emails for specific instances) that relates to the process on how that is handled when it's seen that a gaining service provider has requested the connection to a service while the losing service provider still has an active service on site and what the process is for nbnCo to inform both the gaining service provider and losing service provider.
I would also like records if possible on the figures of instances where that the gaining service provider was connected to an address that has an active service disconnected on it and the losing service provider had to request the re-connection of service.
I believe this process is called a Proof of Occupancy process, let me know if this clarifies the questions I have asked.
Yours sincerely,
Jay Dubeu
Dear Jay
Thank you for your email.
Your request will require further clarification. In particular, you refer
to a “Proof of Occupancy” process, however that process does not relates
to the other sections of your request. Could you please clarify what you
mean by this and how this relates to your request.
Attached for your reference is the Connect Outstanding Industry Code
Process as outlined on the Communications Alliance Ltd ACMA site. Does
this answer your query?
If this does not answer your request, it may be helpful to discuss
clarification of the terms of your request. If you would like to do so,
please let me know what number I can call you on. You can email your
number to me directly if you do not wish it to be published on the Right
To Know website.
Rohan Singh
Senior Legal Counsel – FOI, Privacy & Knowledge Management
JayDubeu left an annotation ()
Any assistance for wording to best clarify my request will be appreciated.