National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)
Dear Minister for Education,
I write to request under the Freedom of Information Act all documents generated by the Minister or the Minister's Office on or after 12 Marhc 2015 which mention the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
Yours faithfully,
H Kelly
Thank you for your correspondence.
On 18 September 2013, Machinery of Government changes established the
Department of Education and the Department of Employment out of the former
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Thank you for your correspondence.
On 18 September 2013, Machinery of Government changes established the
Department of Education and the Department of Employment out of the former
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR).
As a result, this mailbox is no longer in use. If your privacy enquiry is
related to the Department of Employment, please forward your email to
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The FOI Team
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Sent request to Minister for Education again, using a new contact address.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your below email seeking access under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) to the following documents:
"all documents generated by the Minister or the Minister's Office on or
after 12 Marhc [sic] 2015 which mention the National Collaborative
Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)".
The Department of Education and Training has forwarded your below email to
this office, as your request is directed to the Minister for Education and
Training. We will process your request in accordance with the FOI Act.
If you have any questions in relation to your request, please contact us
via return email.
Office of Minister Pyne
-----Original Message-----
From: hkelly92 [[1]mailto:[FOI #1021 email]]
Sent: Monday, 16 March 2015 7:16 PM
To: Education - FOI
Subject: Freedom of Information request - National Collaborative Research
Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)
Dear Minister for Education,
I write to request under the Freedom of Information Act all documents
generated by the Minister or the Minister's Office on or after 12 Marhc
2015 which mention the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure
Strategy (NCRIS).
Yours faithfully,
H Kelly
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[2][FOI #1021 email]
Is [3][email address] the wrong address for Freedom of Information
requests to Minister for Education? If so, please contact us using this
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Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #1021 email]
2. mailto:[FOI #1021 email]
3. mailto:[email address]
Dear Sir/Madam,
I refer to your email seeking access under the Freedom of Information Act
1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) to the following documents:
"all documents generated by the Minister or the Minister's Office on or
after 12 Marhc [sic] 2015 which mention the National Collaborative
Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS)".
Please find attached a letter regarding the application of a processing
If you have any questions in relation to your request, please contact us
via return email.
Office of Minister Pyne
The information contained in this email message and any attached files may
be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal
professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use,
disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this
email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's
switchboard on 13 33 97 during business hours (8am - 5pm Local time) and
delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.
Dear Minister Pyne
I write to withdraw my request due to the charges imposed.
Yours sincerely,
H Kelly
Thank you for your email to the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, Minister for
Education and Training. This is an automated reply to let you know your
email has been received.
We appreciate you taking the time to comment on our education policies.
The Office receives a significant amount of correspondence each day. If
required, a formal response to your enquiry will be prepared and sent to
you in due course.
Office of the Hon Christopher Pyne MP
Minister for Education and Training
Leader of the House
P: 02 6277 7350
A: PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Australian Parliament House,
The information contained in this email message and any attached files may
be confidential information, and may also be the subject of legal
professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient any use,
disclosure or copying of this email is unauthorised. If you received this
email in error, please notify the sender by contacting the department's
switchboard on 13 33 97 during business hours (8am - 5pm Local time) and
delete all copies of this transmission together with any attachments.
Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
I've resent this request to the updated email address for the Minister for Education.