Justification of Enterprise Bargaining ballot decisions
Dear Australian Taxation Office,
This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
The scope of this request is limited to documents connected to decisions made in relation to enterprise bargaining ballots undertaken since 1 January 2014.
I request all documents which:
1. Justify to the relevant decision maker the use of all, or particular, characteristics of the voting employees, including, but not limited to employee location, APS level, business area, gender, full-time/part-time, casual, etc.
2. Explain any benefits to you, as employer, in obtaining breakdowns of any of the characteristics.
3. Justify the reasons for using the particular voter characteristics used in ballots.
4. Are put to, or created by, the departmental Executive, or the SES responsible for bargaining, and make any reference to any breakdowns of particular voter characteristics, for any purpose.
5. Give notice to employees prior to the ballots to explain what information was to be used in the ballot process.
I exclude from the scope of this request any documents that have already been released through FOI.
James Smith
James Baldwin left an annotation ()
Winning! The ATO are now processing RTK requests.