Justification of Enterprise Bargaining decisions

James Smith made this Freedom of Information request to Department of the Environment and Energy

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are James Smith, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Dear Department of the Environment and Energy,

This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.

The scope of this request is limited to documents connected to decisions made in relation to enterprise bargaining ballots undertaken since 1 January 2014.

I request all documents which:

1. Justify to the relevant decision maker the use of all, or particular, characteristics of the voting employees, including, but not limited to employee location, APS level, business area, gender, full-time/part-time, casual, etc.

2. Explain any benefits to you, as employer, in obtaining breakdowns of any of the characteristics.

3. Justify the reasons for using the particular voter characteristics used in ballots.

4. Are put to, or created by, the departmental Executive, or the SES responsible for bargaining, and make any reference to any breakdowns of particular voter characteristics, for any purpose.

5. Give notice to employees prior to the ballots to explain what information was to be used in the ballot process.

I exclude from the scope of this request any documents that have already been released through FOI.


James Smith

FOI Contact Officer, Department of the Environment and Energy

Dear Mr Smith


The Department of the Environment and Energy (the Department) considers
your FOI request to be substantially the same as your earlier request (FOI
170402) received on 4 April 2017.


The terms of both requests are compared below.


Before processing this request, the Department asks that you confirm how
you wish to proceed, by either:


 1. Advising that you wish to withdraw your request made on 20 May 2017
and will await a decision on your request of 4 April 2017; or
 2. Explaining how this request differs from your 4 April 2017 request. If
you choose this path, the Department will assist you with revising the
scope of your request.


If you do not take one of the above actions by COB 26 May 2017, the
Department will continue to process your request on its current wording,
and this may result in substantially similar decision to that which will
be made on your request of 4 April 2017.


Please don’t hesitate to contact the Department’s FOI team to discuss


20 May 2017 FOI request 4 April 2017 FOI request (ref:
FOI 170402)
1. Justify to the relevant decision 2. Any documents sent to the
maker the use of all, or particular, relevant decision maker(s) who
characteristics of the voting employees, approved the use of the data that
including, but not limited to employee was used in the ballots.
location, APS level, business area,
gender, full-time/part-time, casual,
2. Explain any benefits to you, as 4. Any documents which mention
employer, in obtaining breakdowns of any benefits to the department or to
of the characteristics. the bargaining process in
obtaining a breakdown of votes.
3. Justify the reasons for using the 3. Any documents which explain
particular voter characteristics used in the rational for obtaining
ballots. breakdowns of votes
4. Are put to, or created by, the 5. Any documents between the
departmental Executive, or the SES departmental bargaining team and
responsible for bargaining, and make any the departmental Executive which
reference to any breakdowns of discuss breakdowns of votes and
particular voter characteristics, for suggest how that information
any purpose. should be used or otherwise taken
into consideration by the
5. Give notice to employees prior to the 1. All documents sent to all
ballots to explain what information was employees which explain what
to be used in the ballot process. information about them was passed
onto the ballot provider for each
  6. Any documents from the APSC
that mention what information
about employees can or should be
used in ballots.


Kind regards


FOI Contact Officer | Climate Change, Science and Corporate Legal
Section |General Counsel Branch
Department of the Environment and Energy
a: GPO Box 787 CANBERRA ACT 2600
t: (02) 6274 2603 
e: [1][Department of the Environment and Energy request email]



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Dear FOI Contact Officer,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately it appears some of the formatting in your email is not visible on Right To Know so your message is unclear.

Can you please forward the email to be at [email address] ?


Yours sincerely,

James Smith