IT Network Documentation - IPv4/v6 Public Facing addresses
Dear Department of Education,
I am writing to you to request information pertaining to your Information Technology infrastructure.
Namely, I am after records detailing the IPv4 (and if relevant,
IPv6) addresses used to access the public internet from within your network.
To clarify, these are the public facing addresses of your private network. I am only requesting addresses that are used to access the general public internet.
In addition, if it is such that a particular IP address serves a
particular area within your department (for example, one IP address is used for Media Relations, while another is used for Ministerial Communications), I also request access to this information.
To assist you in locating this information, I suggest it would be found in network documentation, or at the very least in configuration files of your
router and firewall equipment.
Please do not hesitate to reply if you require clarification to
fulfil this request.
I look forward to your response.
Yours faithfully,
Ben Fairless
Dear Mr Fairless
We refer to your email below, seeking access under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act) to the documents described below:
... records detailing the IPv4 (and if relevant, IPv6) addresses used to
access the public internet from within your network. To clarify, these are
the public facing addresses of your private network. I am only requesting
addresses that are used to access the general public internet.
In addition, if it is such that a particular IP address serves a
particular area within your department (for example, one IP address is
used for Media Relations, while another is used for Ministerial
Communications), I also request access to this information.
The Department of Education has received your request and will process it
in accordance with the FOI Act.
If you have any questions about your request, please contact us via email:
[1][email address].
Yours sincerely
Kirsten Burns
Senior Government Lawyer
Corporate & External Review Team | Child Care, Corporate & External Review
Legal Branch
Legal and Compliance Group
Australian Government Department of Education
Phone (02) 6121 5966
Opportunity through learning
Dear Kirsten,
Thanks for your email. I forgot to add that I would prefer this request be treated as a request for administrative access. Is this at all possible?
If for some reason the request cannot be dealt with in this way, please continue to treat it as a formal application under the Freedom of Information Act.
Yours sincerely,
Ben Fairless
For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Fairless
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Education
regarding your request under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act
Kind regards
Alexandra Brown
A/g Principal Government Lawyer
Schools, Youth, Child Care, and Corporate Legal Branch
Australian Government Department of Education
(02) 6240 2570 I Ext 42570
Opportunity through learning
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Daniel O'Connor left an annotation ()
Most reasonable question this asks; which I'm sure you are asking as well: by knowing the IP address through which the government is accessing the internet; what security risks are there? Or better yet, what activities are being done via those IP addresses that suggest a risk to the commonwealth?