We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are GV please sign in and let everyone know.

Internal deliberations in relation to amendments to Code of Professional Conduct

We're waiting for GV to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Tax Practitioners Board,

Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, provide minutes of meetings, briefs, and file notes relevant to the following matters related to the Tax Agent Services (Code of Professional Conduct) Determination 2024:

1) The decision to not conduct consultations with professional bodies in the accounting and tax industries;

2) Consultations with the TPB by Minister Jones (or his office) in respect of the determination;

3) Impact of the determination on the tax industry in Australia;

4) Guidance products to be prepared for tax agents bound by changes to the Code of Professional Conduct.

Yours faithfully,

FOI, Tax Practitioners Board


Dear GV,

Your Freedom of Information request was received by the Tax Practitioners Board on 15 July 2024, and is currently being processed.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on [Tax Practitioners Board request email].

Kind regards,

Legal Officer
Legal Unit | Tax Practitioners Board
P 1300 362 829 | E [Tax Practitioners Board request email]

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FOI, Tax Practitioners Board

2 Attachments


Dear GV,


Please see the attached correspondence in respect of your FOI request,
dated 15 July 2024.


Kind regards,


Legal Officer

Legal Unit | Tax Practitioners Board

P 1300 362 829 | E [1][Tax Practitioners Board request email]


show quoted sections

FOI, Tax Practitioners Board


Dear GV,


With reference to the FOI decision letter, dated 14 August 2024:


Please be advised that today, the TPB FOI Disclosure Log was updated to
include all documents to which access was deferred under section 21 of the
FOI Act.


The documents to which access has been granted can be found at ref.
#5/24-25 at the following address:


This email represents the finalisation of your FOI matter.


Kind regards,


Legal Officer

Legal Unit | Tax Practitioners Board

P 1300 362 829 | E [2][Tax Practitioners Board request email]



show quoted sections

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are GV please sign in and let everyone know.