In 2020-21 you reviewed
Dear Merit Protection Commissioner,
In 2020-21 you reviewed 98 workplace decisions, 51% (or 50 decisions) of which were Code of Conduct decisions.
30.6% of the 98 workplace decisions were "varied or set aside". 68 decisions were upheld.
30.6% = 30 decisions were "varied or set aside" by you.
Please clarify of the 30 decisions that you "varied or set aside"
(a) how many of these were Code of Conduct decisions?
(b) how many of these Code of Conduct decisions were varied?
(c) how many of these Code of Conduct decisions were set aside?
(e) how many of these decisions (not Code of Conduct decisions) were varied?
(f) how many of these decisions (not Code of Conduct decision) were set aside?
Dear Applicant
Thank you for emailing the Australian Public Service Commission’s Freedom
of Information (FOI) team.
We are writing to inform you we have transferred your FOI request to the
Merit Protection Commissioner.
If you have any questions relating to your FOI request, please forward
them to [1][email address].
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Australian Public Service Commission
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t: 02 6202 3500 w: [2]
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Hello there,
I am the authorised FOI officer for the MPC and am currently working on
your request for information about the outcome of our reviews of workplace
decisions. I just wanted to advise that the MPC is happy to provide you
with this information outside of the FOI scheme.
Please let me know if you are happy to accept this approach, otherwise I
will continue to provide you with a response under the FOI Act. My contact
details are below if you wish to give me a call to discuss.
Kirsteen Banwell
Director, Strategy & Projects
Merit Protection Commissioner
PO Box 20636 World Square Post Office, SYDNEY NSW 2002
T: 02 8239 5353 w:
[1]MPC logo_Colour
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Dear FOI officer,
I am happy for you to provide access to the requested information via an administrative release.
Thank you.
Hello there,
I refer to your freedom of information request on 3 February 2022 made to
the Australian Public Service Commission. As your request was for data
about the 2020/2021 financial year performance of the Merit Protection
Commissioner (MPC) your matter was transferred to the MPC to provide a
On 23 February 2022 I emailed you to ask if you were open to the
information being released as an informal, administrative release. You
agreed to this course of action in an email dated 27 February 2022.
In light of that I can advise the following.
During 2020/2021, the MPC reviewed 98 reviews of workplace decisions to
determine whether the correct and preferable decision had been made. Of
those 98 reviews, there were 30 cases where recommended the decision under
review be varied or set aside. The tables below are a breakdown of the 30
decisions by primary review (code of conduct), primary review (other), and
secondary review.
Primary review - code of conduct decisions No.
Set aside 9
Vary 6
Total 15
Primary review – other No.
Set aside 1
Vary 0
Total 1
Secondary review No.
Set aside 9
Vary 6
Total 14
I hope this information is helpful.
Kirsteen Banwell
Director, Strategy & Projects
Merit Protection Commissioner
PO Box 20636 World Square Post Office, SYDNEY NSW 2002
T: 02 8239 5353 w:
[1]MPC logo_Colour
Dear FOI officer
Very helpful, please provide this breakdown in future annual reports
Thank you