Dear Nosey
Please find attached the following documents concerning your recent FOI request received 14 December 2024:
- Final decision letter; and
- F...
Dear [Name Removed],
Thank you for your FOI request dating 8 October 2024.
Document 1 was published in March 2022 by the News and Media Res...
Dear Alex Pentland,
Request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
I refer to your Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI...
Dear Alex,
Attached please find my decision regarding your Freedom on Information request.
Kind regards,
Sandra Hannan
Performance, Governan...
Dear Watson Norwood,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
Dharshi Jeyaseelan
Senior Lawyer
1 June 2...
As noted in email 1, attached are the relevant documents relating to your
FOI request.
Marilyn Woolford
Authority Secretariat
I would like to withdraw this request, following a duplication of Requests
Alex Pentland
Dear verifysp,
Please find attached a decision letter relating to your recent FOI application.
Kind regards,
9 September 2021
Dear Scott
Please find attached the review of your FOI decision.
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Act 1982 - Rights...
ACMA file reference: ACMA2021/420
Dear Mr Underling
Your request for information
Thank you for your correspondence of 2 August 2021....
Dear Mr Nothdurft
Please find attached a letter relating to your recent Freedom of Information request.
Kind Regards
Dear Timothy
I have attached for your information a letter regarding your recent
Freedom of Inform...
The way this request was handled is a credit to the agency. It was quick, detailed, and complete.
Hi Nicole
We're not aware of any Commonwealth (or other) agency that would collect those statistics. The website for the Australian Bureau of Statisti...
Dear Ben
I refer to your Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act) request, dated and received 14 November 2018, in which you sought access to the arrange...
Dear Mr Goethe-Snape,
The ACMA has considered your Freedom of Information application and
provides the attached response. If you have any questi...
Dear Cat
Thank you for your email.
You have enquired about the following documents:
- Documents outlining the Telecommunications comp...
Dear Applicant
Please refer to the attached letter.
FOI decision-maker
Australian Communications and Media Authority
Dear Alan
I refer to your email of 14 July 2017 in which you made an ‘informal request’ for ‘a copy of the MOST RECENT version of the document that co...
To whom it may concern,
Please find attached a letter concerning the decision on access for your
recent FOI application.
Kind regards,
Dear Applicant
Please refer to the attached letter.
FOI decision-maker
Australian Communications and Media Authority
Dear Ben
Request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(our ref: ACMA2016/683)
I refer to your Freedom of Information...
I am out of the office on 21 and 22 April 2016. If your matter is urgent
you should contact Jane Grace at [email address].
NOTICE: This email me...
Dear Stephen
Thank you for providing the requested information.
Yours sincerely,
James Smith
Dear Ashley
Please find correspondence attached.
Kind regards
1 April 2016
Ashley Flockhart
By email: [FOI #1768 email]
Dear Ashley
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.