How does the Native Title Act apply to first nations individuals who are non members and non-afffiliated?

Currently waiting for a response from National Native Title Tribunal, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

: Deborah-May: Torrens

Dear National Native Title Tribunal,

Can you provide me with the
relevant information that clearly describes in what ways the Native Title Act and it's amendments apply to first nations individuals and families, who are not members of, nor affiliated with Aboriginal Land Councils or Native Title Registered Body Corporate (NTRBC)?

Yours faithfully,

:Deborah-May: Torrens

FOIContact, National Native Title Tribunal

1 Attachment



Dear Deborah-May


I refer to your below email sent on 30 June 2024.


You have sought information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(Cth) (‘FOI Act’) about how the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and its
amendments (‘Native Title Act’) apply to First Nations People who are not
members of or affiliated with Aboriginal Land Councils or Native Title
Registered Bodies Corporate.


The FOI Act only applies to documents, and as you have sought information
rather than documents your request cannot be dealt with under the FOI Act.
However the Tribunal is happy to provide information and assistance in
relation to your query.


The Tribunal has general information about the Native Title Act on our
website: [1]


The website contains information in relation to some of the specific areas
that the Tribunal deals with, such as Indigenous land use agreements,
claimant applications, and future acts. If you have a specific query that
you would like further information on, please email the details to the
Tribunal at [2][email address]. The Tribunal is happy to assist you
further in relation to any specific queries that you may have.


I note that the Tribunal cannot provide you with legal advice.


I hope this information is of assistance.


Kind regards



Freedom of Information Officer

National Native Title Tribunal








show quoted sections

: Deborah-May: Torrens

Dear Mike,

Thank you for your response dated 1 July 2024, and for directing me to the National Native Title Tribunal's website for general information on the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).

While I appreciate the information available on your website regarding Indigenous land use agreements, claimant applications, and future acts etc..., my original query seeks specific documentation or resources that address how the Native Title Act applies to First Nations People who are not affiliated with Aboriginal Land Councils or Native Title Registered Bodies Corporate.

I understand the Tribunal's constraints regarding legal advice and the application of the FOI Act to documents. However, I am seeking detailed guidelines, policies, or legislative references that outline the rights and obligations under the Native Title Act for individuals and families in this specific circumstance.

Could you kindly provide or direct me to the specific documents or resources that address this aspect of native title law? Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to your response.



FOIContact, National Native Title Tribunal

1 Attachment



Dear Deborah-May


I refer to your below email, indicating that you are seeking ‘detailed
guidelines, policies, or legislative references that outline the rights
and obligations under the Native Title Act for individuals and families’.


Aside from the information on the Tribunal’s website as referred to in my
previous email, there is also information relevant to your query available
in the [1]native title resources that are available on the Australian
Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies website.
Further information in relation to the native title interface is available
at: [2]


I hope this information is of assistance.


Kind regards



Freedom of Information Officer

National Native Title Tribunal










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