Gender inequality still rampant in Australian workplaces and pay gap remains high
Dear Workplace Gender Equality Agency,
I write to you under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 pursing;
Insight/relevant documentation and statics between the years 2000-2015 in regards to the percentage of women working in management, corporal and CEO positions.
Gender equality in the workforce is a pipe-dream before 2050 at the current rate of change, a report by the ABC suggests.
How does the Workplace Gender Equality Agency aim to achieve the goal of equality in the workplace by 2050? (Please provide supporting documentation/correspondence)
Yours faithfully,
Madeleine Wilson
Dear Madeleine,
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act, 2012.
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA or the Agency) was formed in
2012 with the implementation of the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012
(the Act). On the Agency website you will find the public reports of all
organisations covered by the Act for the two years that reporting has been
completed. This includes details of the gender of CEOs and management
personnel. Reports to the former Equal Opportunity for Women in the
Workplace Agency (EOWA)from 2008 can also be found on this site
Earlier reports to EOWA for individual reporting organisations from 2000
to 2007 are held by WGEA, however they comprise approximately 15,000
documents which would need to be checked to ensure no information of a
confidential nature (e.g. relating to the remuneration of individuals) is
included. The review of these documents and redaction of exempt
information would take approximately 3,750 hours (15 minutes per
document). The Agency is not resourced to undertake this activity and
therefore advises that should you require these documents you will be
liable to pay a charge to the Agency as allowed under Section 29 of the
Freedom of Information Act, 2012 and provision of the documents could take
some time. The hourly rate charged would be $62.50 (being the hourly rate
for an APS 6 level employee with on costs added). If reports for all
years are required this would be a total of $234,375.
As an alternative, the WGEA website contains links to various census
documents tracking women in leadership positions and on boards:
[2] which may be of some
WGEA’s data explorer, also available on the website, can assist you to
drill down on the shareable data the Agency has collected.
Further analysis is available in the Australia’s gender equality
The [5]WGEA Budget Statements 2015-16 and [6]WGEA Corporate Plan 2015-16
include information on the strategic direction of the Agency.
Laura Schonberger
Executive Assistant to the Director
Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Level 7, 309 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000