We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Watson Norwood please sign in and let everyone know.

Freedom of Information Logs - FOI Request

We're waiting for Watson Norwood to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Comcover,

I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act for a complete copy of the departments' Freedom of Information (FOI) logs for the period 2013-2023, including any secondary departments controlled by the agency.

I request that this is provided as a document and not a simple redirect to the agency website as I am of the view that your online disclosure logs do not actively reflect your FOI requests that you have received in this period.

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with this information in an electronic format, such as a PDF or spreadsheet, if possible.

If there are any fees associated with fulfilling this request, please let me know in advance so that I can consider my options.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Watson Norwood

FOI Requests, Comcover

Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.


Kind regards


FOI Coordinator


FOI Requests, Comcover

3 Attachments


Dear Mr Norwood


Please see attached a decision letter in relation to your FOI request (our
reference FOI 22-23/051).

Kind regards




FOI Officer

Legal and Assurance Branch

Department of Finance

E: [1][email address]

A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603




Classification: OFFICIAL

Classified by: [email address] on: 5/06/2023 4:37:14 PM


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Watson Norwood please sign in and let everyone know.