Enrollment of non local and overseas students in Cheltenham Girls High school
Dear Department of Education and Communities NSW,
I would like to find out if there are any overseas-paying-fees or non-local students enroll in the Cheltenham Girls High School NSW Chelteham NSW 2119 for Year 7 in 2016.
and what are the numbers.
Your assistant in this matter is much appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Qui Le
Dear Department of Education and Communities NSW,
Under the FOI Act
I would like to find out if there are any overseas-paying-fees or non-local students enroll in the Cheltenham Girls High School NSW Chelteham 2119 for Year 7 in 2016.
and what are the numbers.
Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Qui Le
Dear Qui Le
The attached link provides information on the application process under the Government Information (Public Access) Act:
Jenny Small
Schools and Community Senior Information Officer | Strategic Communication Unit
Communication & Engagement
T 02 9561 8999 | F 02 9561 8026