current Chinese student enrollments
Dear Macquarie University,
I am writing to request the latest data on the number of Chinese students enrolled at your institution.
Yours faithfully,
Nicholas L'Estrange
Dear Nicholas
Macquarie University has received your request for information as
submitted via the
Right To Know website, [1] .
A summary of student enrolments by home location is freely available in
University Annual Report at
For more detailed information about enrolments we request that you make a
application. The University's process for making a formal request under
the NSW
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (the GIPA Act) is
explained at
Applications must:
* be in writing and sent to the address above;
* clearly state that you are making a request under the Government
Information (Public Access) Act 2009;
* enclose the $30 application fee (cheques and postal orders made out to
Macquarie University)
* nominate a return postal address in Australia for correspondence
purposes; and
* include as much specific information as necessary to enable Macquarie
University to identify the information you are looking for.
If you require any further information about submitting a formal request
you are
welcome to email me at [Macquarie University request email]
Judith Clark
GIPA Officer
Security Desk, Building E11A
Balaclava Road
Macquarie University NSW 2109
From: Nicholas L'Estrange <[FOI #4311 email]>
Sent: Friday, 12 January 2018 5:18:55 PM
To: Vice Chancellor
Subject: Government Information (Public Access) request - current Chinese
student enrollments
Dear Macquarie University,
I am writing to request the latest data on the number of Chinese students
enrolled at your institution.
Yours faithfully,
Nicholas L'Estrange
Visible links
Posty left an annotation ()
It appears this request has been withdrawn by the requestor or either answered with the publicly available information provided by the university.
Requestor - it would be helpful to know if you have withdrawn the request or whether you received the information you desired.
it appears the documents do answer it on my reading here:
page 23