Can you charge interest on unpaid rent arears
Dear Queensland Residential Tenancies Authority,
Can a landlord charge interest on rent payments that are overdue or other monies owed by the tenant to the landlord
Yours faithfully,
Dear Customer
Thank you for your enquiry regarding a landlord's option to charge
interest on rent owing.
There is no mention of the option for a landlord to charge interest on
outstanding rent from a tenant in the Residential Tenancies and Rooming
Accommodation Act 2008 (the Act).
If a landlord wished to pursue interest on outstanding rent he may
consider seeking an order from the Queensland Civil and Administrative
Tribunal and the matter will be determined by an adjudicator.
Kind regards
Mandi Lewis | Support Officer | Support | Customer Experience
Residential Tenancies Authority | Level 23, 179 Turbot St | GPO Box 390
Brisbane Q 4001
t 1300 366 311 | [1]
This information is for general guidance only. It is not legal advice. The
RTA cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information
provided. For more information refer to Residential Tenancies and Rooming
Accommodation Act 2008.