Australia's Worst White-Collar Crime
Dear Superannuation Complaints Tribunal,
I am seeking documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
The document I seek is a document that includes the following words on its front page:
"Australia's Worst White-Collar Crime - How the Acting Chairperson of the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal can prove the Fraud".
The search period is from 23 December 2014 inclusive.
Yours faithfully,
Phillip Sweeney

Phillip Sweeney left an annotation ()
Thank you for the feedback.
Evidence of a major superannuation fraud has been provided to the Tribunal. I have also provided evidence to Senator the Hon Arthur Sinodinos when he was the Minister responsible for superannuation only to later find the the evidence could not be located. It is for this reason that I am using the FOI Act to ensure that the evidence that I have provided has in fact been received and properly filed by the Tribunaland not "lost".
In this matter the Acting Tribunal Chairperson is under a statutory duty to provide copies of this evidence to APRA, ASIC or both.
By confirming the receipt of the evidence, the Acting Tribunal Chairperson then does not have an excuse for not complying with her duties pursuant to Section 64 of the Superannuation (Resolution of Complaints) Act 1993
I would recommend this approach to anyone who sends evidence of wrongdoing to an agency or minister, so that it does not go "missing" or is simply placed into the "too hard basket" and forgotten.
Phillip Sweeney
Dear Mr Sweeney
Thank you for your email of 23 December 2014. This email is to
acknowledge your email as a request under the Freedom of Information Act
1982. At this stage the Tribunal expects to be able to deal with your
request by the 30 day statutory period under the FOI Act, ie by 22 January
2015, and will contact you at [FOI #834 email]
if there are any issues.
Yours sincerely
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal
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Dear Info SCT,
Can you please provide an update on the progress this FOI Request
Yours sincerely,
Phillip Sweeney
Thank you for your email.
If your email relates to a complaint the Tribunal will contact you again
soon to advise you of the next step in our process.
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal
1300 884 114
This is an auto generated response from the Superannuation Complaints
Tribunal – please do not reply.
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Mr Sweeney
Please find attached the document that you requested.
Kind regards
Eva Karakostas
FOI Officer
From: Phillip Sweeney <[FOI #834 email]>
To: FOI requests at SCT <[SCT request email]>,
Date: 23/12/2014 12:09 PM
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Australia's Worst
White-Collar Crime
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Dear Superannuation Complaints Tribunal,
I am seeking documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
The document I seek is a document that includes the following words on its
front page:
"Australia's Worst White-Collar Crime - How the Acting Chairperson of the
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal can prove the Fraud".
The search period is from 23 December 2014 inclusive.
Yours faithfully,
Phillip Sweeney
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #834 email]
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Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
Just a heads up, The authority can technically refuse access to documents which were or received after the date you made your request.
So, if you make a request on the 23rd, and the document isn't created or in the department's possession until the 29th, then technically the request can be refused. I hope the APRA won't do this however.