Audit methodology for the Senate digitisation process

Vanessa Teague made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Electoral Commission

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Australian Electoral Commission,

I request, under the Freedom of Information Act, the document specifying the methodology to be used for the ballot paper sampling process in the audit of Senate ballot papers. Not the process outline published here:

but the document referred to in the above document as "advice from the Australian Bureau of Statistics" and "ABS' guidance for calculating, analysing and reporting the statistical conclusions that can be drawn."

I remind the AEC that under section 273AC(6a) of the Electoral Act, this methodology should have been published before polling day.

Yours faithfully,

Vanessa Teague

Australian Electoral Commission

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FOI, Australian Electoral Commission

2 Attachments

Our reference: LEX2979


Dear Vanessa


Acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information Request


I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) made in the following terms:


the document specifying the methodology to be used for the ballot paper
sampling process in the audit of Senate ballot papers. Not the process
outline published here:
but the document referred to in the above document as "advice from the
Australian Bureau of Statistics" and "ABS' guidance for calculating,
analysing and reporting the statistical conclusions that can be drawn."


Timeframe to process your request

Your request was received by the Australian Electoral Commission (the AEC)
on 6 June 2022, and the 30 day statutory timeframe for processing your
request commenced from the day after that date.  You should expect to
receive a decision from us by 6 July 2022.  The period of 30 days may be
extended if we need to consult third parties or for other reasons.  We
will advise you if this timeframe is extended.



We will advise you if any charge is payable to process your request and
the amount of any charge as soon as practicable.  No charge is payable for
providing a person with their own personal information.


Your address

The FOI Act requires that you provide us with an address to which we can
send notices.  You have advised that your electronic address is
[2][FOI #8988 email]. We will send all notices
and correspondence to this address.  Please advise us as soon as possible
if you wish for notices and correspondence to be sent to a different
address.  If you do not advise us of changes to your address, notices and
correspondence will continue to be sent to the address specified above.


Administrative release of documents

The AEC has administrative access arrangements for the release of certain
documents without the need for a formal freedom of information request.
Where appropriate we may offer you documents via the administrative access
scheme in lieu of processing under the FOI Act.  Information relating to
third parties cannot be released via administrative access.  You will be
notified when documents are released to you on an administrative access


Disclosure log

Documents released under the FOI Act may be published in a disclosure log
on the AEC's website.  Section 11C of the FOI Act requires this
publication, however it is subject to certain exceptions, including where
publication of personal, business, professional or commercial information
would be unreasonable.


Further assistance

If you have any questions please email [3][email address], or contact our
enquiries line on 13 23 26.


Yours sincerely



Australian Electoral Commission

T: 13 23 26


[4]Australian Electoral Commission logo [5]Australian Electoral Commission


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FOI, Australian Electoral Commission

6 Attachments

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Dear Vanessa


I refer to your request dated 6 June 2022 for access to documents under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982.


I attach a letter to you with the decision regarding this request.


If you have any questions please email [1][email address] or contact our
enquiries line on 13 23 26.


Yours sincerely


Melahni Dean | Senior Government Lawyer

Legal & Procurement Branch

Australian Electoral Commission

T: 13 23 26

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