Any other complaints against First Class Caravans not honoring warranty work on caravans

Terry Robinson made this Government Information (Public Access) request to NSW Fair Trading

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

NSW Fair Trading did not have the information requested.

Terry Robinson

Dear NSW Fair Trading, i am in the process of making a warranty claim through Fair Trading in Penrith against First Class caravans in CAMPBELLFIELD, VICTORIA and i am wondering if there is any history of other consumers making complaints and or taking Eric Jurrjens or his family to tribunal over warranty matters as i believe this may be relevant if my complaint proceeds to tribunal which it appears likely as i have been getting promises and avoidance with no real action by this builder to fix the warranty issues for nearly 6 Months

Yours faithfully,

Terry Robinson


Hi Terry,

I received your request and will review and get back to you.

Also you can contact us directly on the DFSI GIPA Hotline on 9619 8672 to discuss how to access this information, if you have a chance.

Kind regards
Anne Harrison
Manager, Ministerial Services (GIPA/Privacy)

Ministerial Services  |  Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
GIPA HOTLINE 9619 8672 m 0455 067 202 
e [email address]  |

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Dear Terry,

Fair Trading doesn't currently publish data about trader complaints. This will change very soon - according to the FT website:

'The first Complaints Register will be published in the second half of August 2016, based on data from the month of July 2016.
The collection of data for the purposes of the Complaints Register will commence on 1 July 2016.'

The register will not publish ALL trader complaints, only complaints against businesses that are the subject of 10 or more complaints in a calendar month.

So as you are asking for existing complaints held by Fair Trading, this will require a formal access application process under the Act. I have included a link explaining this application process and the electronic application and payment form

As you would like the information for an upcoming Tribunal process, it may be more worthwhile to consider a subpoena of those particular records. It would also be a quicker process, even though you may not necessarily get to see the information provided to the Tribunal if such an order for provision of documents was made.

Please contact us directly for any further assistance making a formal application.

Kind regards

Anne Harrison
Manager, Ministerial Services (GIPA/Privacy)

Ministerial Services  |  Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
GIPA HOTLINE 9619 8672 m 0455 067 202 
e [email address]  |

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