Dear Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund,
This is a Freedom of Information Request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
I request access to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund ,
Given the upcoming holiday period for the APS (happy holidays to you reading this), I forecast my consent for any required 30 day extension to deal with the request at this time.
Yours faithfully,
Glenn Hamiltonshire
Dear Glenn
Please find attached the decision for your Freedom of Information request,
received by the Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund on 26
November 2024.
Under section 54 of the FOI Act, you are entitled to request a review of
this decision. Your review rights are attached.
Please contact this office should you require any further information.
FOI Decision Maker
Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email
Dear Glenn
On behalf of the Australian Military Forces Relief Trust Fund please find
attached the decision for FOI request 406/24/25.
Under section 54 of the FOI Act, you are entitled to request a review of
this decision. Your review rights are attached.
Please contact this office should you require any further information.
Freedom of Information Team
Media and Information Disclosure Branch
Ministerial & Executive Coordination and Communication Division
Department of Defence
[1]Freedom of information requests | About | Defence
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email
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