Agreements, approvals or directions Secretary of Planning WestConnex Stage 2 New M5

Pratichi Chatterjee made this Government Information (Public Access) request to NSW Department of Planning and Environment

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

Pratichi Chatterjee

Dear NSW Department of Planning and Environment,

I would like to make a GIPA request for access to all agreements, determinations, approvals or directions made by the Secretary of the Department of Planning, in relation to any of the conditions listed in the Infrastructure approval documents for the WestConnex Stage 2 New M5.

Yours faithfully,

Pratichi Chatterjee

DPE GC Pati Unit Mailbox, NSW Department of Planning and Environment


Thank you for your email. We will respond to your email within 5 working
days from today.

 GIPA and Privacy information can be obtained from our website:




GIPA and privacy information is also available on the Information and
Privacy Commission's website: [3] 

Kind Regards

The Public  Access to Information & Privacy Unit


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Pratichi Chatterjee

Dear NSW Department of Planning and Environment,

I put in a request for information on 3rd June and I have not had any response from yourself about it.

This was to access all agreements, determinations, approvals or directions made by the Secretary of the Department of Planning, in relation to any of the conditions listed in the Infrastructure approval documents for the WestConnex Stage 2 New M5.

Could you please let me know what the status of this request is.

Yours faithfully,

Pratichi Chatterjee

DPE GC Pati Unit Mailbox, NSW Department of Planning and Environment

Good afternoon Pratichi,

Thank you for your email, and I apologise for the delay in responding.

A great deal of information relating to this project is available on our Major Project Register at this link:

If you wish to access information which has not already been made publicly available, please see our website for details on how to make an informal or formal access application -

I can be reached on the number below if you have any further queries.

Kind regards,

Administrative Officer
Public Access to Information Unit
Department of Planning & Environment | 320 Pitt St | GPO Box 39 | SYDNEY NSW 2001
T 9860 1440 E [NSW Department of Planning and Environment request email]

-----Original Message-----
From: Pratichi Chatterjee [mailto:[FOI #3602 email]]
Sent: Saturday, 3 June 2017 6:07 PM
To: DPE GC Pati Unit Mailbox <[NSW Department of Planning and Environment request email]>
Subject: Government Information (Public Access) request - Agreements, approvals or directions Secretary of Planning WestConnex Stage 2 New M5

Dear NSW Department of Planning and Environment,

I would like to make a GIPA request for access to all agreements, determinations, approvals or directions made by the Secretary of the Department of Planning, in relation to any of the conditions listed in the Infrastructure approval documents for the WestConnex Stage 2 New M5.

Yours faithfully,

Pratichi Chatterjee


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #3602 email]

Is [NSW Department of Planning and Environment request email] the wrong address for Government Information (Public Access) requests to NSW Department of Planning and Environment? If so, please contact us using this form:

This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


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Pratichi Chatterjee

Dear Amber,

Many thanks for your email.

I cannot locate any of the information online. On the NSW planning website for the M5 there are no modifications listed, please see

Please consider this an informal request for all of the agreements, determinations, approvals or directions made by the Secretary of the Department of Planning, in relation to any of the conditions listed in the Infrastructure approval documents for the WestConnex M5.

Yours sincerely,


DPE GC Pati Unit Mailbox, NSW Department of Planning and Environment

1 Attachment

Dear Pratichi,


Thank you for your response.


You will appreciate and understand that there is a large volume of
information relating to this project. My understanding is that most of the
information, which is not subject of third party business information
and/or personal information, has been placed on our website.


In order to facilitate your request as an informal request, it would be
helpful if you could let me know the specifics of the information you wish
to obtain.  Please call me on (02) 9860 1440.


Depending on the scope of your request it may be necessary for you to make
a formal application.   Further information regarding the application
process is available on our website -



Kind regards,



Amber Wilson

Administrative Officer

Public Access to Information Unit

Department of Planning & Environment | 320 Pitt St | GPO Box 39 |  SYDNEY 
NSW  2001

T 9860 1440   E [NSW Department of Planning and Environment request email]  






-----Original Message-----

From: Pratichi Chatterjee
[mailto:[FOI #3602 email]]

Sent: Monday, 17 July 2017 6:00 PM

To: DPE GC Pati Unit Mailbox <[NSW Department of Planning and Environment request email]>

Subject: RE: Government Information (Public Access) request - Agreements,
approvals or directions Secretary of Planning WestConnex Stage 2 New M5


Dear Amber,


Many thanks for your email.


I cannot locate any of the information online. On the NSW planning website
for the M5 there are no modifications listed, please see


Please consider this an informal request for all of the agreements,
determinations, approvals or directions made by the Secretary of the
Department of Planning, in relation to any of the conditions listed in the
Infrastructure approval documents for the WestConnex M5.


Yours sincerely,




-----Original Message-----


Good afternoon Pratichi,


Thank you for your email, and I apologise for the delay in responding.


A great deal of information relating to this project is available on our
Major Project Register at this link:


If you wish to access information which has not already been made publicly
available, please see our website for details on how to make an informal
or formal access application -


I can be reached on the number below if you have any further queries.


Kind regards,






Administrative Officer

Public Access to Information Unit

Department of Planning & Environment | 320 Pitt St | GPO Box 39 | SYDNEY
NSW 2001 T 9860 1440 E [NSW Department of Planning and Environment request



Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[FOI #3602 email]


This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.





Visible links

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Locutus Sum left an annotation ()

I was not sure how to classify the status of this request. The request was very broad. The applicant had not paid a fee so the request was still an informal request. The authority told the applicant that much information is available on the authority website and also asked the applicant to consider contacting the agency to limit the scope of the request. Nothing has happened after this, so I have maked the request as "refused".