2020 Australian Bushfire Donations
Dear Department of Finance,
I’m asking you today about the donations made towards the 2020 Australian Bushfires, Did the firefighters, RFS volunteer’s, SES and the towns and families that where affected receive these donations, or what percentage of the donations did they receive as nothing was ever released thru the media.
Yours faithfully, Dean.
Thank you for your email to the Freedom of Information Team at the
Department of Finance.
An officer will respond to your email shortly. In the meantime, if you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI Team on (02)
6215 1783.
Kind regards,
FOI Officer, Legal and Assurance Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783 E: [1][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603
Visible links
1. mailto:[Finance request email]
Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI
Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to
your email in the next couple of days.
Kind regards
FOI Coordinator
Dear Dean
Thank you for your email to the Department of Finance (Finance) requesting
access to the following:
“I’m asking you today about the donations made towards the 2020 Australian
Bushfires, Did the firefighters, RFS volunteer’s, SES and the towns and
families that where affected receive these donations, or what percentage
of the donations did they receive as nothing was ever released thru the
Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), requests may be made
for ‘…access to a document of an agency’ (subsection 15(1) of the FOI
Act). At this stage, your request is for access to information. That is,
you have asked the department questions rather than sought access to
specific documents and we do not consider that you have made a valid
request under section 15 of the FOI Act.
Having regard to subsection 15(1), we will not proceed further with this
request. However, further information on how to make a valid FOI request
can be found here:
Please contact the FOI Team on the below contact details if you wish to
discuss your request.
Kind regards,
FOI Officer
FOI Officer, Legal and Assurance Branch
Business Enabling Services
Department of Finance
T: 02 6215 1783
E: [3][Finance request email]
A: One Canberra Avenue, Forrest ACT 2603