(page 2)
Dear Mr Cambridge,
Please find attached a decision letter dated 11 June 2020 in relation to
your request for access to information held by Servi...
Hi Dean,
Your question should be directed to the Australian Taxation Office.
FOI Practitioner
Employment Law and Freedom of Informatio...
Dear Ms Middleton,
I refer to your correspondence dated 30 November 2019, in which you
requested that we retain the money order you provided in...
To follow on from @Michelle, did you in fact pay the fee? What was the decision regarding the request? Were the documents released in full, released in...
Dear Mr Posty
Please find attached your requested documents off the Department of Human
Services’ disclosure log.
LEX 22819...
Dear Mr Nolan
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of
information request.
Kind regards
Freedom of Inf...
Thank you for the offer Chelsea. I will email through a number on which I can be contacted.
Yours sincerely,
Your The Department of Human Services secure email account is about to expire.
This message is for information only and no action is required on your...
This comment is a repetition, in part, of a comment I made here: https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/ministerial_briefing_for_alan_tu#comment-1779...
Dear Ms Masting
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of
information request.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Owen,
Please find attached correspondence regarding your Freedom of Information
Kind regards,
FOI Legal...
Dear Mr Smith
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of
information request.
Kind regards,
FOI P...
Dear Mr Smith,
Please find attached correspondence regarding your FOI request.
Kind regards,
Freedom of Information Team
FOI and Lit...
Dear Mr Guy
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.
Kind regards,
FOI Legal Team
Dear Sir or Madam
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request (LEX 27631).
FOI Le...
Your requests seem like things that would be in a documents so prefacing each section with something like "any document that contains or describes XXX"...
Dear Mr Gothe-Snape
Please find a decision letter in relation to your FOI request attached.
Kind regards
Authorised FOI Decision Make...
Dear Mr Cooper-Stout
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of
information request.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Clacherty,
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of
information request.
FOI Legal Tea...
Dear Mr Clacherty,
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of
information request.
FOI Legal Team...
Dear Mr Fairless,
Thank you for your email.
The department is under an obligation to protect the identity of third parties to be consulted under sect...
Dear Mr Shakespeare,
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.
FOI Legal Team...
Hello Mr Rann,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of
information request.
Kind regards,
FOI Legal Team...
Dear Mr Baxter
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request (LEX 24876).
FOI Legal...
The answer to the question "why do it at all?" is simple. The software for Right to Know attaches a status to all requests. There is not such thing as...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.