National Indigenous Australians Agency

Part of the Prime Minister portfolio, also called NIAA

The National Indigenous Australians Agency was established by an Executive Order signed by the Governor-General on 29 May 2019. The Executive order gives the NIAA a number of functions, including: to lead and coordinate Commonwealth policy development, program design and implementation and service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; to provide advice to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Indigenous Australians on whole-of-government priorities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; to lead and coordinate the development and implementation of Australia’s Closing the Gap targets in partnership with Indigenous Australians; to lead Commonwealth activities to promote reconciliation.

14 requests
OFFICIAL FOI/2425/037 AA   Dear Glenn,   Please see attached correspondence and document from the National Indigenous Australians Agency....
OFFICIAL Dear Nosey Rosey   Freedom of Information Request no. FOI/2425/038   Please find attached decision in relation to your Freedom of In...
OFFICIAL Dear Deborah-May Torrens, Freedom of Information Request no. FOI/2425/002 IR Thank you for your email. You previously requested an interna...
OFFICIAL Dear Deborah-May Torrens,   Freedom of Information Request no. FOI/2425/003   Please find attached decision in relation to your Freedom of Inf...
OFFICIAL FOI/2425/001 Dear Deborah-May Torrens, Thank you for your email requesting an internal review of a request you made to the National Indigeno...
Statement of Claims
Response by National Indigenous Australians Agency to Goobely Woobely on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Dear Applicant, Freedom of Information Request no. FOI/2324/038 We refer to our correspondence of 15 December 2023. In our corresponde...
Communication with PMO or Minister's office
Response by National Indigenous Australians Agency to Thomas on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Dear Thomas,    Freedom of Information Request no. FOI/2324/024   Please find attached the decision in relation to your Freedom of...
Uluru Statement from the Heart
Response by National Indigenous Australians Agency to H on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Applicant, This is to confirm that the extracts in the Referendum Council's Final Report are taken from the Uluru Statement from the Hea...
OFFICIAL Dear Gemma,   Freedom of Information Request no. FOI/2223/028   Please find attached decision in relation to your Freedom of Informa...
Meeting with Shaq
Response by National Indigenous Australians Agency to BE on .


OFFICIAL FOI/2223/005   Dear BE,   We refer to our correspondence of 16 September 2022.    ESTIMATE OF CHARGES   In our correspondenc...
Policy preparation
Response by National Indigenous Australians Agency to Dallas on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Dear Dallas   Freedom of Information Request no. FOI/2122/020   Please find attached decision in relation to your Freedom of Informa...
OFFICIAL   FOI/OMIA/1920/001   Dear Mr Williams,   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of Information request....
Fremantle Massacre
Response by National Indigenous Australians Agency to Jayda Abraham on .

Long overdue.

OFFICIAL Dear Jayda, I refer to your request to the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) on 7 November 2019 under the Freedom of Information...
OFFICIAL   OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Williams,   Please find attached the access decision and documents relating to Freedom of Information reques...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?