Request for Information on Pfizer's BioNTech (Biological and Nanotechnological) Experiments Involving 80% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Populations.

Currently waiting for a response from National Indigenous Australians Agency, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

: Deborah-May: Torrens

Freedom of Information Officer
National Indigenous Australians Agency
PO Box 2191
Canberra ACT 2601

Dear Freedom of Information Officer,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I am requesting access to documents held by the National Indigenous Australians Agency that pertain to any medical and/or technological experiments, specifically those involving Pfizer's Biological Nanotechnology (BioNTech), conducted on the remnant original host groups and nations who have been classified as "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander" populations.

Overview and Scope of Experiments: Documents detailing the nature, scope, and purpose of any experiments involving nanotechnology that have targeted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and families through Aboriginal Community-Controlled Health Organisations.

Ethical Approvals and Oversight:
Copies of ethical approvals, any related discussions, decisions from ethical review boards, and oversight mechanisms established for these experiments.

Community Consent Processes:
Documents related to the processes of obtaining informed consent from the communities involved, including educational and informational materials provided to participants.

Participant Selection Criteria:
Information on how participants were selected for these experiments, especially given the small proportion (3.4%) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the overall Australian population.

Results and Outcomes:
Any findings, reports, evaluations, or feedback from these experiments, including assessments of both intended and unintended outcomes (vaccine-induced injuries, including but not limited to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prenatal and postnatal, stillbirths, miscarriages, hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths).

The information requested is sought to ensure transparency and accountability regarding the Whole-of-Government health interventions which was directed at 80% of a vulnerable segment of the population.

It is essential that Linda Burney and the National Indigenous Australian Agency genuinely understand how these interventions align with ethical standards, particularly in ensuring informed consent, equitable treatment and bodily autonomy.

Given the sensitive nature of medical experiments and the historical context of research involving Indigenous populations, this request is of public interest, aiming to safeguard the rights and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

I look forward to your acknowledgment of this request within fourteen (14) days, and a decision within thirty (30) working days, as stipulated by the FOI Act.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Deborah-May Torrens