Dear Jake – following our conversation last week, I confirm that you
indicated you were happy to withdraw your request for an Internal Review
of my d...
Dear Nathan
Thank you for your email.
Noted that the relevant location is between 269 and 400 Grieve Rd
Rochedale. The information you re...
Please see my attached letter regarding your request.
Please feel free to call me if you have any queries.
Rohan Singh
Dear John
Further to my email below, my access decision is attached.
Please contact me if you would like to discuss the decision.
Dear Watson
Thank you for your email.
Under section 15(2) of the FOI Act, a valid FOI request must provide such
information concerning the req...
Dear Som
Please see my attached letter.
Rohan Singh
Freedom Of Information Officer
T 02 9031 3022 | E [1][email address]...
Dear Luke
I have some questions for you regarding the scope of your request to
enable nbn staff to locate the documents/information that you see...
Dear Arnie – please see attached correspondence.
Rohan Singh
Senior Legal Counsel │ FOI
Strategic Services │ Corporate Advisory...
NBN Classification - Commercial
Dear Henry
Please see attached correspondence regarding my charges decision.
In answer to your inform...
Dear Mr Dunnicliff
Please see attached correspondence.
Rohan Singh
Senior Legal Counsel │ FOI
Strategic Services │ Corpor...
Dear Mr Morris
Please see attached correspondence. Please feel free to contact me on my
number below if you would like to discuss your request....
Please find, attached, a request to clarify the terms of your FOI
application and additional information that may provide you with some
background re...
Mr Fairless – Please find a letter, requesting that you clarify the terms
of your FOI application.
I’m happy to discuss this letter and to provide...
Dear Ms Brown – Please refer to the attached letter in relation to your
FOI request.
uf you contact a retail service provider (RSP) of nbn’s whole...
This was a request on an FOI website; clearly it would be under the freedom of information act 1982 and by law you should have responded. Next steps...
By law you should have responded by now; I will now be taking the next steps with the relevant authority to ensure information access laws are being...
Any assistance for wording to best clarify my request will be appreciated.
nbn-Confidential: Commercial
Dear Ms Karen L.,
Please find attached correspondence. There are links contained within the
soft copy of the doc...
nbn-Confidential: Commercial
Dear Sir,
Please find attached correspondence, in respect of your FOI request.
There are links contained within...
Dear Michael
Thank you for your attached email, seeking access to information under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).
I don't have the spare funds to continue the request. I've already established through media sources what the credit rating might be. Given the resp...
Dear Ben
Thank you for your email attached, seeking access to information under the
Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).
As a st...
Dear Navin
Please find an advance deposit request attached, in relation to your FOI request below.
Kate Friedrich
Legal Counsel – FOI,...
Dear Mr Brain
Please see the attached letter in relation to your recent FOI request.
nbn-Confidential: Commercial
Dear Ms Skaf
Please see the attached in relation to your request.
Kind regards,
Victoria Brooks
Legal Clerical Ass...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.