Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Part of the Prime Minister portfolio and a Federal authority, also called DPMC

The central role of the department is to support the Prime Minister and assist in achieving a coordinated approach to the development and implementation of Australian government policies.

288 requests

(page 2)

OFFICIAL FOI/2022/017   Dear Trav S,   Please find attached a decision letter and documents released to you under the Freedom of Information...
OFFICIAL FOI/2021/266IR   Dear Trav S   Please see attached a decision on your internal review request under the Freedom of Information Act...
OFFICIAL FOI/2021/285   Dear F Melton   Please find attached the decision regarding your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982....
Prime Minister's Oath
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Silvana on .

Long overdue.

OFFICIAL FOI/2021/276   Dear Silvana   Thank you for your email dated 26 October 2021, received by the Department of the Prime Minister and...
Prime Minister's Oath
Request sent to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Silvana on .

Long overdue.

I am writing to ask why the current Prime Minister has not used the following oath from the 'Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (1900)': "...
OFFICIAL PM&C Reference: FOI/2021/188   Dear Mr Unmeopa   Thank you for your email dated 22 August 2021, received by the Department of the P...
Agreement between Pfizer and Australia
Clarification sent to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet by Junior on .

Long overdue.

I am happy for this to be passed on to the Department of Health, if you feel this is necessary but was under the impression that this information wa...
Constitutional Powers
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Tesi on .

Waiting clarification.

OFFICIAL Dear Anonymous Thank you for your email. We refer you to our email of 9 November 2020 (attached) regarding the requirements for a valid FOI...
Engadine Maccas
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Posty on .

Long overdue.

OFFICIAL Dear Posty Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, there is no internal right of review over the decision of a Minister. You only have t...
National Cabinet Meeting Minutes
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to AB on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL FOI/2021/155   Dear AB   Please find attached correspondence regarding your request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.  ...
Thank you. Yours sincerely, Trav S
"It is worth noting Indue's entire revenue from "Customers" is $88 million. If AusGov is their ONLY customer - In the context of welfare that costs $15...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Freedom Fighter of Information   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your request.   Regards   Adviser |...
APEC 2007
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Justin on .

Waiting clarification.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Justin   Thank you for your email below to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (the Department) in which you made re...
The agency believes that the request is not valid in its current form. The agency has asked the applicant to submit an amended application that is vali...
I no longer wish to proceed with this FOI request. Yours faithfully, Freedom Fighter of Information
I no longer wish to proceed with this FOI request. Yours faithfully, Freedom Fighter of Information
Under the FOI Act, i request information relating to the costs of the 2014 visit by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Australia. I request info...
Please be advised that I no longer wish to pursue this request. Yours faithfully, Freedom Fighter of Information
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Sir/Madam   I acknowledge receipt of your email of Wednesday 24 January 2017, concerning your FOI request 2017/188. Please fin...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Gothe-Snape   I refer to your FOI request with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet – ref: FOI/2017/143.  ...
Hi Vito, This is a good request but maybe you could ask for documents in the last three months detailing the estimated jobs to be provided by the Ada...
Your reminder to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet with respect to my request. Yours sincerely, Vito Guzzardi
Our reference: RQ17/00561 Agency reference: FOI/2017/004 Mr William Summers   By email: [1][FOI #2934 email] Dear Mr Summers Extension of t...
'Nanny state' social media policy at DPM&C
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to James Smith on .

Waiting clarification.

UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Smith   Please find attached an estimate of charges for your FOI request reference FOI/2016/155.   Regards   France...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?