Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Part of the Industry and Science portfolio and a Federal authority, also called CSIRO

CSIRO carries out scientific research for the purpose of assisting Australian industry, furthering the interests of the Australian community, and contributing to the achievement of national objectives.

15 requests
Dear Glenn Please refer to the attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of information request. Kind regards CSIRO's FOI Team CSIRO csi...
  Dear CR   Thank you for your email of 2 November 2024 below.   In respect of question 1, you are correct, and we apologise for this omissi...
Dear Mr Banner   Thank you for your request and our apologies for the delay in responding.   Please find attached documents requested.   CS...
Dear Mr Banner   We refer to your request below and apologise for the delay in responding.   Please find attached documents requested.   CS...
Dear Mr Smith   On behalf of Kate Maloney, please find attached Decision and Documents in relation to your request.   Kind regards Karen  ...
Thank you very much for your efforts in fulfilling my request and for the additional information. Yours sincerely, Mr Mitchel Bradley
Dear Jaay-H,   Please see attached decision in response to your application.   Kind regards Stephen     Stephen Jones (he/him) Legal...
Dear Jaay-H,   Please see attached decision in response to your application.   Kind regards Stephen   Stephen Jones (he/him) Legal Coun...
Dear Mr Thanos,   I refer to your email dated 5 August 2021.   Please refer to CSIRO’s Covid-19 research information on our website: [1]https:...
Thank you Mr Smith. Your acknowledgment is very much appreciated (and very rare in this space). Kind regards, Beth Maloney Senior Legal Counsel, C...
Dear Mr Tweedale, Please refer to the attached decision. Kind regards, Beth Maloney Legal Counsel, CSIRO Phone: +612 6276 6436 | [mobile number]...
Dear Sir/Madam, I refer to your request on 15 June 2017 identified as FOI 2017/15. I have determined that rather than conduct extensive searches an...
Dear Mr Monceaux, Thank you for your response. CSIRO would be happy to process your request, later in the calendar year, once received. Kind rega...
To the applicant. I do not like to say this but Beth Maloney, Legal Counsel, CSIRO does not understand the FOI law. She says "Unfortunately the Freedom...
Dear Mr Clarke,   I refer to your FOI request (FOI 2016/3) dated 29 January 2016 for; “what developments by the organisation have lead to a resul...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?