Glenn Hamiltonshire

Dear Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,

This is a Freedom of Information Request for the purposes of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

I request access to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation,

Given the upcoming holiday period for the APS (happy holidays to you reading this), I forecast my consent for any required 30 day extension to deal with the request at this time.

Yours faithfully,

Glenn Hamiltonshire

FOI, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Our ref: FOI2024/85

Thank you for your email to CSIRO’s Freedom of Information Team. Your email has been received and will be actioned as appropriate.

If an FOI request is valid, a decision in response to the request is due 30 days after the request is received by CSIRO on 7 January 2025. This timeframe can be extended under the FOI Act including where third-party consultation is required. CSIRO notifies applicants when an extension is required.

If an FOI request is not valid, the 30-day timeframe does not commence. CSIRO contacts applicants to advise them of invalidity within 21 days of receipt of the application.

Charges may be imposed for processing your request pursuant to section 29 of the FOI Act. These charges are calculated by reference to the time spent processing a request, including time spent searching and retrieving relevant documents, preparing any documents for release, consulting and decision- making. In the event CSIRO decides that you are liable to pay a charge for the processing of your request, you will be notified of a preliminary charges assessment, and you will have the opportunity to contend that the charge should not be imposed or should be reduced.

More information about accessing information held by CSIRO, including via freedom of information, can be found at Access to information - CSIRO.

Kind regards

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FOI, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Dear Glenn

We refer to your freedom of information request identified as FOI 2024-85.

CSIRO is currently processing your request, however, due to the Christmas holiday period and relevant staff being away, CSIRO is requesting an extension of time to the processing period of your request allowed under s15AA of the FOI Act. CSIRO’s offices will be closed between Christmas and New Years Day, and several staff who will be required to assist with this request will be taking additional leave – I expect that this will slow down our usual FOI processes.

The current due date for a decision is 7 January 2025 and we are seeking your agreement to an extension of 21 calendar days to 28 January 2025.

Look forward to hearing from you, via return email, if you agree to the processing extension provided under s15AA of the FOI Act.

The FOI Team

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Glenn Hamiltonshire

Dear FOI,

I agree to the request for any necessary extensions as proposed.

Yours sincerely,

Glenn Hamiltonshire

FOI, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

3 Attachments

Dear Glenn

Please refer to the attached correspondence in relation to your freedom of information request.

Kind regards

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