Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

Part of the Treasury portfolio and a Federal authority, also called APRA

APRA is responsible for prudential regulation of banks, life insurance companies, general insurance companies, superannuation funds, credit unions, building and friendly societies.

120 requests

(page 2)

Dear Tqft,   Please find attached the requested document.   Regards,   FOI OFFICER T 02 9210 3000 | E [1][APRA request email] AUSTRALIA...
Dar Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA's Notice of Decision dated 9 October 2019.   Regards   FOI OFFICER T 02 9210 3000 | E [1][APRA...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 21 October 2019 and Documents 1-11.   Regards,   FOI OFFICER T 02...
Dear Mr Sweeney,   Please find attached APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 9 August 2019 and Document 1.   Kind regards   FOI OFFICER T 02...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA's Notice of Decision dated 17 April 2019, and one document released to you under the Freedom of Inform...
Dear Mr Sweeney,   Please find attached APRA's Notice of Decision dated 18 April 2019.   Kind regards,   APRA FOI Officer   [1]http://w...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA's Notice of Decision dated 22 March 2019.   Kind regards   APRA FOI Officer   [1]http://www...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA's Internal Review Notice of Decision dated 13 December 2018.   Kind regards   APRA FOI Officer...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 27 November 2018.   Kind regards   APRA FOI Officer   [1]http://...
For Official Use Only   Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached Part 3 of Document 1 and Document 2.   All documents have now been sent to y...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA’s Internal Review Notice of Decision dated 5 November 2018 and one document released to you under the...
Dear Mr Sweeney Please find attached APRA's Notice of Decision dated 24 July 2018. Kind regards APRA FOI Officer NOTICE OF DECISION MADE UNDER SECT...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA's Notice of Decision dated 5 April 2018 and the released document.   Kind regards   APRA FOI O...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please see attached APRA's Notice of Decision dated 5 April 2018.   Kind regards   APRA FOI Officer   [1]http://www.a...
Dear Mr Sweeney Please see the attached decision and released documents. Kind regards APRA FOI Officer For Official Use Only NOTICE OF DECISION MA...
Dear Mr Sweeney Please see attached, APRA's Notice of Decision to you dated 29 June 2017. Kind regards APRA FOI Officer AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGUL...
Dear Mr Sweeney Please find attached, APRA's Notice of Decision dated 3 May 2017. Kind regards APRA FOI Officer AUSTRALIAN PRUDENTIAL REGULATION AU...
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 18 April 2017.   Kind regards   APRA FOI Officer   AUSTRALIAN PR...
Dear Mr Sweeney Please see attached, APRA's Notice of Decision and document to you dated 28 April 2017. Kind regards APRA FOI Officer AUSTRALIAN PR...
FOI Delegations - 2016
Response by Australian Prudential Regulation Authority to Ben Fairless on .


Dear Mr Fairless I attach APRA's FOI decision and the document you requested. Kind regards Ben Carruthers
Dear Mr Sweeney   Could you please confirm that you are seeking an internal review of APRA's decision to issue charges dated 7 January 2016? Pleas...
Dear Sweeney   Please see attached, APRA’s Notice of Internal Review Decision dated 27 July 2016.   Kind regards   APRA FOI Officer  ...
Dear Mr Sweeney Please see attached, APRA's Internal Review Notice of Decision dated 30 June 2016. Kind regards APRA FOI Officer
Dear Mr Sweeney   Please see attached, APRA's Notice of Decision dated 3 June 2016.   Kind regards   FOI Officer   [1]http://www.apra.g...
Hi Ben Good to see you are taking an interest in how APRA had the Freedom of Information Commissioner declare me a vexatious applicant in order to co...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?