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Printed from on January 22, 2025 12:07
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Our references: FA 14/12/00016 ; ADF2014/42921
Dear Ms Eriksson
I refer to your request for access to information, received...
Please have a look at my annotation on the request called "Gender balance of detainees from years 2000-2014" (
Please have a look at my annotation on the request called "Gender balance of detainees from years 2000-2014" (
Please have a look at my annotation on the request called "Gender balance of detainees from years 2000-2014" (
Please have a look at my annotation on the request called "Gender balance of detainees from years 2000-2014" (
This request will be refused. It is (almost without doubt) not a valid request under the Freedom of Information Act. It will only be a valid request if...
This person's annotations
None made.