Requests similar to 'Vehicle accident report'

FOI 2018/4139 - Verification Investigation - Page 1 Jordan Crabbe From: Sent: To: Subject: Mark Cossins Monday, 19 March 2018 2:18 PM RPB; robert b...
UNCLASSIFIED Hi Daniel   Please find the following documents attached:   ·         FOI Decision 1213/27; ·         Zip folder containing do...
I attach the information released in TfNSW's decision 22T-0093 Kind regards Nick Yetzotis Senior Advisor, Information Access Legal, Privacy and Intern...
Dear Mr Monceaux   Please see the attached documents.   Kind regards   FOI Officer | Climate Change, Science and Corporate Legal Section |...
OFFICIAL Dear ViMak   FOI request FA 23/08/01597   I refer to your FOI request received on 23 August 2023, seeking access to the following:...
Dear James Adams,   I refer to my previous email.   Please find attached the Registered Providers List. This list is only correct as at 20 Sep...
Dear C Faulk Please find attached my decision dated 6 June 2019 and the relevant documents in relation to your Freedom of Information request below....
Dear Posty   I refer to my email of 5:42pm today providing the Department of Jobs and Small Business’ decision on access in relation to your reque...
Hi Matilda   Thank you for your interest in this topic and Freedom of Information disclosure.   As the file is too large I am sending this doc...
OFFICIAL Dear Pam R   FOI request FA 25/01/00926   I refer to your FOI request received on 18 January 2025, seeking access to the following:...
ATSB Style/Brand/Writing guides
Response by Australian Transport Safety Bureau to Alex Pentland on .


OFFICIAL   Dear Alex   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 30 November 2023.   Should you have any quer...
Space Grants

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr Smith   We refer to your correspondence received by The Department of Industry, Science and Resources (the department) on 4 February 2024,...
Briefing Notes - Senate Estimates
Response by Department of Defence to James Smith on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear James Smith,   During the processing of your request, it has been identified that Defence can administratively release the followi...
  Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: Preliminary light rail feasibility study for Gosford LGA, 1996 by P...
Hi Matilda Duncan Please see requested documents attached. Part 1 of 4. More to come. John Templeton Legal Counsel Privacy and FOI Officer Office o...
Benchmark component reports
Response by NSW Valuer General to Policy researcher in Canada on .

Awaiting classification.

Good Afternoon,   Please find attached the requested Benchmark Reports   Please note for future you access these reports via the following link...
Newstart Allowance Statistics
Response by Department of Social Services to Julie Middleton on .


Dear Julie,   Thank you for your query. The Department has investigated your enquiry. Officers within the Policy Analysis & Reporting  Branch, and...
OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Terhorst   Airservices is processing your FOI request (F24-78) that is currently due 5 December 2024. Please see the following...
[SEC=OFFICIAL] Dear P.C. Sweeney   Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water i...
Requesting all invoices from the company Town & Country Plumbing
Response by Hume City Council to John Johnson on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear John Johnson,   Please find attached.   Please let us know if you are unable open the attachment.   Kind regards   FOI Team  ...
Question Time Briefs
Response by Department of Social Services to BE on .

Partially successful.

Dear BE,   FOI LEX 45273 – Decision and Documents   Please find attached the decision in response to your Freedom of Information request submi...
Dear Ms Bacon,   I have attached two PDFs:   ·       Part Two B ·       Part One (57 Pages)   Regards,   Andy.   Andrew Seccombe...
Annual Reports 2000/01 to 2009/10
Response by Australian Federal Police to Asher Hirsch on .


UNCLASSIFIED   Dear Asher   Attached are the 09 and 10 reports.   Kind regards   MATT BAILLIE TEAM LEADER - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION CH...
OFFICIAL   CASA Ref: F24/10460   Dear Mr Newton, I refer to your email dated 16 February 2024 seeking access to documents under the Freedom...
Good afternoon Mr Schroeder   Attached please find East Gippsland Shire Council’s response to your recent Freedom of Information application.  ...