Requests similar to 'I am seeking details of discussions and emails, diary notes, faxes and/or letters regarding a property leased by Powerlink to Mens Wellbeing Inc'

OFFICIAL Dear Pam R   FOI request FA 25/01/00926   I refer to your FOI request received on 18 January 2025, seeking access to the following:...
Regarding this incident report, I would like to advise that I am in receipt of a letter from the department stating that there are 85 requests for The...
Dear James Adams   Thank you for your request. Please see attached documents.   Regards   Fernando Espinosa FOI P: 1800 035 544 E: [1]...
Dear Ange   Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 5 December 2020.   Should you have any queries regarding th...
List of temporary activities sponsors - December 2024
Response by Department of Home Affairs to Pujan on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL Dear Pujan,   I am writing to notify you of my decision in relation to your data request DA24/12/00014. Your request will be sent to yo...
Senate Estimates briefs 2024-25
Response by Services Australia to Gary Moorcroft on .

Partially successful.

Dear Gary   Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your request for access to documents held by Services Australia....
Question Time Briefs
Response by Department of Finance to BE on .

Partially successful.

SEC=OFFICIAL Dear BE Please see attached a decision in relation to your FOI request (our reference FOI 22/57). Kind regards   [1]cid:image00...
[SEC=OFFICIAL] Dear P.C. Sweeney   Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water i...
Newstart Allowance Statistics
Response by Department of Social Services to Julie Middleton on .


Dear Julie,   Thank you for your query. The Department has investigated your enquiry. Officers within the Policy Analysis & Reporting  Branch, and...
Dear Anonymous   Thank you for your email regarding information about students enrolled in home education.   Please consider the following inf...
Schedule of Special Purpose Flights
Response by Department of Defence to alan cole on .


UNCLASSIFIED Good morning Mr Cole Please find attached copies of the special purpose flight schedules that you have requested for the years January 2...
OFFICIAL Dear ViMak   FOI request FA 23/08/01597   I refer to your FOI request received on 23 August 2023, seeking access to the following:...
OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Terhorst   Airservices is processing your FOI request (F24-78) that is currently due 5 December 2024. Please see the following...
Briefing Notes - Senate Estimates
Response by Department of Defence to James Smith on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear James Smith,   During the processing of your request, it has been identified that Defence can administratively release the followi...
Hi Matilda   Thank you for your interest in this topic and Freedom of Information disclosure.   As the file is too large I am sending this doc...
Dear Mr Buckley,   Please find attached FOI decision made by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) in relation to the F...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Henare Degan Please find attached the documents in response to your request. Regards Leonie   [1]cid:C4234CC5-D32A-44FF-A...
Communication with the EDO
Response by Minister for the Environment to Ash Roth on .


[SEC=OFFICIAL] Dear Ash Roth   Please see attached correspondence from the Office of the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for the Environment an...
Information request
Response by Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to Dave on .

Waiting clarification.

Good afternoon Dave   Thank you for your email received today by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries regarding:                   Can...
Current contracts with confidentiality clauses
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

Dear Verity Pane   FOI 24588 Decision and Statement of Reasons   Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of information...
UNCLASSIFIED Good morning Mr Timmins,   Thank you for your further email to the Department of Finance (Finance).   I'm sure you have read the...
OAIC reference: FOIREQ23/00174   Dear Stoyan,   Please see attached decision, documents and schedule of today’s date on behalf of the delegate...
Good afternoon Glenn,   Please find attached some information which has previously been released on this topic.   Kind regards,   GIPA Coo...
The Technical Advisory Branch Research documents
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Tess on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Tessa Kelton Thank you for your request for information and I’m sorry for the delay in processing your request. Preliminary searches have sho...
Andrew Drynan park lease documents
Response by Scenic Rim Regional Council to Dave on .

Awaiting internal review.

Dear Dave, Thank you for contacting Council to request documents relating to the lease of Andrew Drynan Park. You have requested Council release this...