Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Legal Branch
GPO Box 2013
Canberra ACT 2601
ATT FOI Coordinator
I am making an adjustment...
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
Legal Branch
GPO Box 2013
Canberra ACT 2601
ATT FOI Coordinator
I am requesting access to...
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please contac...
Dear Mr Alexander
As the department has received the balance of the amount owing for the
processing of your request, the documents are now being...
Dear Harry
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.
If you have any questions, please d...
Dear Warrick
This is to confirm you wish to procced with your internal review request of FOI decision 66989. Your reference for this internal review i...
Dear James Adams,
I refer to my previous email.
Please find attached the Registered Providers List. This list is only
correct as at 20 Sep...
Dear To
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 15
January 2021.
Should you have any queries regarding this...
Dear Jeremy
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 6
December 2020.
Should you have any queries regarding...
Dear Harry
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 10
September 2020.
Should you have any queries regarding...
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Department of Industr...
Dear ViMak
FOI request FA 23/08/01597
I refer to your FOI request received on 23 August 2023, seeking access to
the following:...
Dear James,
Please find attached part 2 of the documents in relation to Defence FOI
1003/23/24. Due to the file size, this email is p...
I made this FOI request because I suspect that [Name Removed at the request of the Department] had disclosed a conflict of interests in relation to...
Dear Denis
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 21
August 2020.
Sasha Pesic
Senior FOI O...
Thank you for the advice earlier today. With Warrick's assistance, I've reformulated my earlier request as follows.
I'm requesting under the Freed...
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please con...
Dear Faye
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 13
December 2020.
Should you have any queries regarding t...
Dear To
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please cont...
Dear Denis
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 20
December 2020.
Should you have any queries regarding...
I would like to see all documents furnished to Incubator Support Programme Management by officers in the Legal, Audit and Assurance line area that i...
Dear Posty
Please find attached the Department of Jobs and Small Business’ decision
on access in relation to your request dated 1 January 2015....
Dear Jeremy
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your internal review
request of 5 January 2021.
Should you have any queries...
Dear Dan Collins
Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the
Agency’s Disclosure Log.
Please find attached the...
Dear Brooke Bickley
As per my previous email, due to the size of the documents, they have been
split across three emails, this being part 3 of 3....