Requests similar to 'Copy of Audited Accounts' (page 10)

Current contracts with confidentiality clauses
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

Dear Verity Pane   FOI 24588 Decision and Statement of Reasons   Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of information...
Dear Dan Collins     Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the Agency’s Disclosure Log.    Please find attached th...
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire   Please find attached a decision on your request.   Kind Regards Rebecca Rahim Policy Officer (FOI & Privacy) ~ Ge...
Cancellation of ABN - Purported Reason
Request sent to Australian Taxation Office by Phillip Sweeney on .


I am lodging a request for documents pursuant the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Background to this FOI Request. The High Court of Australia...
Mates ministerial correspondence 2011-2016
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Julie Anderson on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear Ms Anderson,   Please find attached the decision letter and documents relating to your request for access to documents held by the Department...
Dear Mr Fitzell, Thank you for your email. APRA does not maintain digital footprints of transactions therefore we suggest you make a FOI request to A...
Definition “Family”
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to AS on .


Dear AS Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request. If you require the...
Dear Ms Simpson, I refer to your request for a document (Deed) under the Freedom of Information Act 1982  (the FOI Act) set out below. ASIC propos...
Dear Dan Collins   Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the Agency’s Disclosure Log.    Please find attached the...
Senate Estimates briefs 2024-25
Response by Australian Public Service Commission to Gary Moorcroft on .


OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Moorcroft   Please see attached decision notice and documents released to you in relation to your FOI request.   Kind r...
Dear Ms Simpson, I refer to the below email concerning your FOI request to ASIC dated 23 September 2015, titled "Freedom of Information request - De...
Dear Mr Sweeney, Please find attached an acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information Request dated 16 March 2017. Regards, Phillip Mines | Law...
Pay out of matured Life Policy AMP Ltd

Awaiting classification.

Dear Mr Johnston, I acknowledge receipt of your FOI request dated 1 August 2022. We are processing your request and will respond soon. Regards, FOI...
UNCLASSIFIED Dear Mr Sweeney   Please find attached a response in relation to your freedom of information request received on 28 November 2017....
Following on from a discussion with the Requester, I've uploaded a ZIP file of the documents from the website provided by the Department. Regards, Be...
News manager notifications
Response by Australian Broadcasting Corporation to Don on .

Partially successful.

Dear Mr Hardman   Attached is the ABC’s decision letter about your freedom of information request, and the relevant documents. Many thanks, FOI...
Communication with the EDO
Response by Minister for the Environment to Ash Roth on .


[SEC=OFFICIAL] Dear Ash Roth   Please see attached correspondence from the Office of the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for the Environment an...
Question Time Briefs
Response by Department of Social Services to BE on .

Partially successful.

Dear BE,   FOI LEX 45273 – Decision and Documents   Please find attached the decision in response to your Freedom of Information request submi...
This Freedom of Information request is to determine if ASIC currently has possession of a copy of a Trust Deed for an occupational pension scheme da...
On the 6 September 2018, ASIC announced that it had commenced civil proceedings in the Federal Court against two NAB superannuation trustees, one of...
Instrument to establish King of Australia
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Jillian on .

Awaiting classification.

OFFICIAL   Ref: FOI/2024/260IR   Dear Jillian   Please find attached the internal review decision and copies of the documents in response...
Dear Dan Collins    Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the Agency’s Disclosure Log.    Please find attached the...
Research Documents- TAB NDIS
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Consumer on .


Dear Consumer Thank you for your request for information.  Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request.  If you...
Our ref: FOI-2018-50105   Dear Mr Sweeney,   Please find attached my decision letter in response to your Freedom of Information request of 22...
OAIC reference: FOIREQ23/00174   Dear Stoyan,   Please see attached documents and schedule of today’s date on behalf of the delegate for the a...