Dear ABC FOI team,

I request access to the following documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982:

1. Any document pertaining to the advertising revenue that the ABC has earned via Google AdSense or the YouTube Partner Program from the ABC's YouTube channel operations for the month of January 2024, for the following channels:
i. The "ABC News (Australia)" channel, available at
ii. The "ABC News In-depth" channel, available at
iii. The "triple j" channel, available at
iv. The "ABC Australia" channel, available at

As the ABC may have multiple documents which satisfy this request, I am happy to limit the request to the first document identified/located which outlines the revenue earned for the above YouTube channels. Alternatively, I am happy for a document to be created which contains this information.

In the event of a public interest test being required, my case for release being in the public interest is as follows:

a) The ABC regards the absence of advertisements as being a distinctive feature of its domestic TV/radio services (although permitted by law to augment public funding through advertisement for certain activities), and regards its independence and integrity in this regard as "paramount" [
b) Under the ABC Charter, independence is "enshrined as a foundational principle";
c) The ABC regards impartiality as a "fundamental standard to the ABC" [
d) The ABC receives (or may be receiving) funding in the form of advertising revenue from a foreign organisation or a local subsidiary of such [
e) There is a reasonable expectation that the receipt of funds from commercial activities could have an impact on the public's view of the ABC's impartiality and independence;
f) The ABC already outlines its revenue via commercial endeavours in its Annual Reports, however it does not go into detail as to the particular sources of said commercial funding - the revenue that the ABC receives from a particular organisation via commercial activities is relevant, as a reasonable person would expect that the ABC may be more influenced by a $100,000 contribution than a $100 contribution.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Daniel M

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

ABC FOI 202324-090


Dear Daniel


The ABC refers to your email of Wednesday 26 June 2024 seeking access
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) to:


 1. Any document pertaining to the advertising revenue that the ABC has
earned via Google AdSense or the YouTube Partner Program from the
ABC's YouTube channel operations for the month of January 2024, for
the following channels:


i. The "ABC News (Australia)" channel, available at

ii. The "ABC News In-depth" channel, available at

iii. The "triple j" channel, available at

iv. The "ABC Australia" channel, available at


As the ABC may have multiple documents which satisfy this request, I am
happy to limit the request to the first document identified/located which
outlines the revenue earned for the above YouTube channels. Alternatively,
I am happy for a document to be created which contains this information.



You also noted your views on what you consider to be a public interest in
this information.


Thank you for confirming that you are happy with a document being created
under s 17 that answers the 4 points of your request, and that you are
happy for this to be the only document in scope should multiple documents
cover the same information.

We also note you are happy for one document to be provided if more than
one documents answers the scope.


A decision on your request is due by Friday 26 July 2024, subject to any
suspension of the processing period or extension of time under the FOI


The ABC will advise you if any processing charges apply or if third-party
consultation is required.  

By making an FOI request, you are providing personal information to the
ABC. The ABC manages personal information in accordance with its Privacy
Policy - available at [5]ABC Privacy Policy – ABC Help - Australian
Broadcasting Corporation Help Centre. Personal information may be
disclosed in the course of processing this request, such as for the
purposes of consultation or internal reporting.

The ABC will consider your request in accordance with the FOI Act and
provide you with a decision as soon as practicable. 

Many thanks.


Kind regards,



ABC FOI team

02 83333 3328






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FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Dear Daniel


ABC FOI 202324-090


We refer to your FOI request received by the ABC on 26 June 2024.


Under section 15(6) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, time of
processing a request is automatically extended by 30 days if we there is a
requirement to consult under section 26A, 27 or 27A.


The ABC is required to consult with an affected third party under section
27 of the FOI Act. As such, the time for processing your request is
extended by a further period of 30 days. Therefore, the FOI decision is
due by Monday 26 August 2024.


Please also note that  that the ABC manages personal information in
accordance with its Privacy Policy - available at [1]ABC Privacy Policy –
ABC Help - Australian Broadcasting Corporation Help Centre. Personal
information may be disclosed for the purposes of consultation or internal


If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter, please
feel free to contact us.


Many thanks.


Kind regards,



ABC FOI team

02 83333 3328







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FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Good afternoon Daniel


ABC FOI 202324-090


The ABC refers to its email of 23 July notifying an automatic extension of
time under ss 27 / 27A of the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act


The ABC would be grateful if you would consider granting an extension of
time under s 15AA which can be mutually agreed for up to 30 calendar days.

It is entirely optional for you as the applicant. The maximum time
permitted woud be until Wednesday 25 September 2024. You may elect an
earlier week day in September if you prefer.

The ABC confirms it is advanced with processing this file and is in the
process of concluding its third party consultation. Teherfore we would be
grateful for a short extension if that suits you as the applicant.

Many thanks,

ABC FOI team

13 9994


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It is confidential and may contain privileged information. You should not
read, copy, use or disclose it, or take any other action in reliance of
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have received the email in error, please immediately let the sender know
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Hi team,

In my view an additional 30 day extension is excessive (third party consultation shouldn't have been required in the first place, and ultimately I have accepted the creation of a document which meets my request), however as a show of good faith I am happy to agree to an extension to Friday 9 September 2024.

Yours sincerely,

FOI ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

1 Attachment

Dear Daniel


ABC FOI 202324-090


Please see attached ABC’s decision in relation to your above FOI request.


If you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter further,
please feel free to contact us.


Many thanks.


Kind regards


ABC FOI team

02 8333 3328




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or copy this email or any attachments. If you have received this message
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