What percentage of prisoners participated in the mass vaccination campaign?

Currently waiting for a response from Corrective Services NSW, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

: Deborah-May: Torrens

Dear Corrective Services NSW,

I am contacting the Corrective Services NSW, to request documents showing what percentage of prisoners in the State of New South Wales participated in the mass vaccination campaign as part of Lieutenant-General John Frewer's Wargames.

Documents showing what percentage of those identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? and

Documents showing how many prisoners suffered from vaccine-induced injuries and deaths, (been placed on ventilators, ICU admissions and deaths) since March 2020 to July 2024?

A copy of the 'Consent Form' given to prisoners that requests them to give their consent to participate in a medical and technological experiment to test the causes and side effects of nanotechnologies in the human body for military research purposes.

Documents showing the types of incentives offered to prisoners (i.e., Telstra phone cards, $25 added to inmates accounts per jab, rewards for second, third, fourth jab etc...) if they participated in the mass vaccination experiment.

Documents, flyers, brochures, advertisements, promotion banners which specifically targets Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders such as "Keep your mob safe... Get the jab".

In good will and good faith, without malice or prejudice.

Yours sincerely,

:Deborah-May: Torrens