Under FOI I request all reports to the Office of Legal Services regarding Breaches of the Model Litigant Rules by DVA for 2018/24

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Department of Veterans' Affairs should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs, Under FOI I request all reports / correspondence from DVA to the Office of Legal Services Coordination regarding Breaches of the Model Litigant Rules between 2018 and 2024.
1. How many complaints have been made?
2. What is the Breakdown of the decisions how many were upheld and how many were dismissed.?
3. How many veterans who made Model Litigant Complaints have now taken their own lives.?

The reports are made IAW the DVA litigation Policy
If a party raises concerns regarding adherence to the Model Litigant Policy, this needs to be
raised immediately with the Instructing Officer and the Director Litigation. The relevant
self-assessment and notification to the Office of Legal Services Coordination (OLSC) is to be
completed and provided to the Director Litigation. - Indicating that only one DVA business will be involved - DVA Legal Section

Yours faithfully,
Rod Thompson

INFORMATION.ACCESS, Department of Veterans' Affairs

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Thompson,


The Department of Veterans' Affairs (the department) has received your
request for access to information under the Freedom of Information Act
1982 (FOI Act). I note you have requested access to the following:


'...Dear Department of Veterans' Affairs, Under FOI I request all reports
/ correspondence from DVA to the Office of Legal Services Coordination
regarding Breaches of the Model Litigant Rules between 2018 and 2024.
1. How many complaints have been made?
2. What is the Breakdown of the decisions how many were upheld and how
many were dismissed.?
3. How many veterans who made Model Litigant Complaints have now taken
their own lives.?

The reports are made IAW the DVA litigation Policy If a party raises
concerns regarding adherence to the Model Litigant Policy, this needs to
be raised immediately with the Instructing Officer and the Director
Litigation. The relevant self-assessment and notification to the Office of
Legal Services Coordination (OLSC) is to be completed and provided to the
Director Litigation. - Indicating that only one DVA business will be
involved - DVA Legal Section...'


Your request was received by the department on 6 December 2024 and the
ordinary 30 day statutory period for processing your request commenced
from the day after that date.


If we are in a position to make a decision on your request earlier than
this date, we will endeavour to do so.


The statutory period may also be extended if we need to consult third
parties or for other reasons permitted under the FOI Act. We will advise
you if this happens.


Extension of Time


As DVA will be closed from 25 December 2024 to 1 January 2025 inclusive
for the holiday season, we are asking for your agreement to an extension
of time for a further 30 days to process this request under section 15AA
of the FOI Act. This would mean that your request is due on 4 February


If we are in a position to make a decision on your request earlier than
this date, we will endeavour to do so.


The statutory period may also be extended if we need to consult third
parties or for other reasons permitted under the FOI Act. We will advise
you if this happens.


Please reply by return email if you agree to this extension of time. If
you do agree we will notify the Office of the Australian Information
Commissioner (OAIC) of your agreement under section 15AA of the FOI Act. 




If the Department considers that a charge will apply to your request, you
will be notified within 14 days of an estimate of the charges that will
apply to your request for non-personal information before we process any
requested documents or impose a final charge.


Your address


The FOI Act requires that you provide us with an address that we can send
notices to. You have advised your contact address is
[1][FOI #12495 email]  . Unless you tell us
otherwise, we will send all notices and correspondence to this address.


Disclosure log


Information released under the FOI Act may be published on a disclosure
log on our website, subject to certain exceptions. These exceptions
include where publication of personal, business, professional or
commercial information would be unreasonable.


Further assistance


If you have any questions about your request, please email
[2][DVA request email]


Yours sincerely



Kevin| Information Access Officer

Position 62373493

Information Access Unit

Client and Information Access Branch

Ministerial, Communication & Engagement Division

Department of Veterans’ Affairs

1800 VETERAN (1800 838 372)

[3][DVA request email]





Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #12495 email]
2. mailto:[DVA request email]
3. mailto:[DVA request email]
4. http://www.dva.gov.au/

Dear INFORMATION.ACCESS, I do not consent to your request for an extension of time your provided with Significant staff and financial resources by government to deal with the FOI process in a timely fashion.

Yours sincerely,

Roderic Thompson