Ultimate Ownership of Jubilee Medical Practise
Dear National Health Funding Pool Administrator,
Please would you let me know the Name and Business location of the ultimate owner to whom you pay for the provision of Doctors Surgeries for the Jubilee Medical Practice In Station Road Longfield Kent and New Ash Green..
I can't get this information from the surgery.
Many thanks for an early reply
Yours faithfully,
James Smith
Dear National Health Funding Pool Administrator,
I have not yet received your answer to my request for the name and address of the ultimate owner of the Jubilee Medical practice. You are obliged law to give me this information within the time limit specified in Law.
Yours faithfully,
James J. O. Smith
Dear National Health Funding Pool Administrator,
I am still waiting for you to respond to my request for you to let me know the names the ultimate recipients of the public funding you give to the Jubilee Medical Practice Longfield Kent. Already you have exceeded the time allowed in law for you to provide this information. Please would you respond without further delay.
Yours faithfully,
James Smith